MEDIA RELEASE: Inaugural Reflect Launch


Adelaide, South Australia

Image caption: Sprit in Unity's Naomi and Maureen standing with ECSA's DEC Alice Cashen and Manager Communication & Engagement Immacolata at the launch


Today the Electoral Commission of South Australia (ECSA) has launched its Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 

The Reflect RAP sets out ECSA’s commitment to reconciliation and the actions it will take to build the organisations understanding and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands cultures, histories, knowledge and rights. 

This RAP is the starting point of ECSA’s reconciliation journey.

ECSA has a proud history of collaborating with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities throughout South Australia to ensure they can exercise their rights to participate in electoral events, including the APY Executive Board and the SA Local First Nations Voice to Parliament elections.

This Reflect RAP aims to build upon and consolidate these previous efforts, enshrining reconciliation as a core priority for ECSA in the lead-up to future State, Local Government, and other First Nations elections. It represents ECSA’s commitment to continually improving its effectiveness in working with diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities—whether remote, regional, or urban—and delivering electoral services that meet their needs.

As part of our commitment to reconciliation, ECSA will create a Reconciliation Working Group (RWG) to oversee the governance and implementation of this RAP.

This RAP is only the first step and will focus on the internal changes necessary for ECSA to develop its capacity as a culturally capable service provider. Doing so will ensure ECSA can continuously improve its effectiveness in working with the diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, remote, regional, and urban, and deliver electoral services that meet their needs.

For a copy, see our RAP webpage –

Image caption: Sprit in Unity's Naomi and Maureen standing with ECSA's EC Mick Sherry and DEC Alice Cashen at the launch

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