Taking democracy to the classroom
Regional Road Trip
The Parliament of South Australia (supported by the Department for Education) and the Electoral Commission of South Australia educators have visited students from Kimba, Lock, Cleve, Cowell, Cummins, Ungarra and Port Neill to facilitate our incursion programs in schools.
“It was very exciting to be able to collaborate with my parliamentary colleagues and provide authentic interactive and memorable learning experiences for these students and see the great work being done by their teachers” said ECSA’s Education Officer, Paula.
One of the most effective ways to secure the future of our democracy is to teach young people how to actively engage with it. Civics education lays the foundation for this lifelong democratic participation.
Through the HASS Australian Curriculum strand of Civics and Citizenship, students explore key concepts that shape their civic identity, roles in the community, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Civics education fosters an understanding of the values that underpin democratic communities, including freedom, equality, responsibility, accountability, respect, tolerance, and inclusion. It also equips students with essential skills to make informed judgments, form conclusions, and act within their communities.
As an independent agency, ECSA ensures that electoral services are delivered fairly, honestly, and in accordance with the law. In her role as ECSA’s educator, Paula is committed to delivering authentic electoral education, fostering student agency, and empowering young people to find and use their voice in civic life.
“We look forward to our ongoing connections with teachers and students in the classroom - to see how we can support the work of educators by providing in classroom support or tailored programs for individual classes or whole year levels as well as professional development sessions “, said Paula.
The Electoral Commission of South Australia (ECSA) is dedicated to upholding the values of democracy by ensuring that all South Australians have access to inclusive and accessible electoral information and voting services. As part of its legislative responsibility, ECSA plays a crucial role in educating the community about democratic participation across the state.
ECSA’s Education Officer, Paula, is a passionate Legal Studies and Civics educator with over two decades of experience. She is a strong advocate for civics education, firmly believing that a thriving democracy depends on an informed citizenry that understands and embraces their voting responsibilities. For more information on ECSA’s educational initiatives, visit www.ecsa.sa.gov.au/education
To learn more about the Parliamentary Community Education Office “Regional Program”, visit: education.parliament.sa.gov.au/book/schools/regional-programs
Opportunity to vote in the SA Local Voice to Parliament supplementary election in Region 1 – Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central)
Polling day for the SA Local Voice to Parliament supplementary election in Region 1 – Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) is tomorrow, Saturday, 15 March 2025.
Five polling booths across Region 1 will be open, giving eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the region the opportunity to vote.
Region 1- Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) covers the whole of Adelaide from as far north as the Town of Gawler and Virginia, out to Mount Barker and Callington in the Adelaide Hills, down to Willunga in the City of Onkaparinga and everything in between. Regional boundaries have been determined following engagement with community and advice from community leaders and experts.
Polling booths are open between 8.00am and 6.00pm, and include:
- Adelaide - CBD ECSA, 6/60 Light Square
- Port Adelaide - Tauondi College, 1 Lipson Street
- Christie Downs - Wardli Youth Centre, 13 McKinna Road (next to Neporendi)
- Elizabeth - Playford Civic Centre, 10 Playford Boulevard
- Lightsview - Wiltja Anangu Secondary School, 111-125 Folland Avenue
The SA Local Voice to Parliament supplementary election for Region 1 – Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) provides eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people the opportunity to voice their opinions on the future of their lands and communities by voting for their chosen representative.
To review the regional area, go to the website maps, here;
To participate, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must be enrolled on the State electoral roll for Region 1.
Telephone: 1300 655 232
SA Voice website
Early Voting Centres now open for SA Voice to Parliament Supplementary Election in Region 1 – Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central)
Polling for the SA Local Voice to Parliament supplementary election in Region 1 – Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) has commenced. Early Voting Centres opened this morning at two locations.
Early Voting Centres opened today include:
- Adelaide CBD ECSA, 6/60 Light Square
- Port Adelaide Tauondi College, 1 Lipson Street
The Electoral Commission of South Australia (ECSA) understands that not all eligible electors may be able to vote on polling day due to being away.
“We acknowledge that some eligible electors may not be available to vote on polling day – Saturday 15 March 2025, and have opened two Early Voting Centres in the city and Port Adelaide. They are open from 9am to 5pm, Tuesday 11 March – Friday 14 March 2025”
On polling day, five polling booths across Region 1 will be open, enabling all eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in region 1 the opportunity to vote.” Mick Sherry, South Australian Electoral Commissioner said.
Polling booths open on 15 March 2025 between 8.00am and 6.00pm, include:
- Adelaide CBD ECSA, 6/60 Light Square
- Port Adelaide Tauondi College, 1 Lipson Street
- Christie Downs Wardli Youth Centre, 13 McKinna Road
- Elizabeth Playford Civic Centre, 10 Playford Boulevard
- Lightsview Wiltja Anangu School, 111-125 Folland Avenue
The SA Local Voice to Parliament supplementary election for Region 1 – Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) provides eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people the opportunity to voice their opinions on the future of their lands and communities by voting for their chosen representative.
To participate, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must be enrolled on the State electoral roll for Region 1.
Telephone: 1300 655 232
Postal voting applications now available for SA Voice Region 1 Supplementary Election
SA Local Voice to Parliament Supplementary Election
for Region 1 – Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central)
The SA Local Voice to Parliament supplementary election for Region 1 – Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people the opportunity to voice their opinions on the future of their lands and communities by voting for their chosen representative.
A reminder that postal voting applications are available for those unable to vote on polling day, 15 March 2025, for the SA Local Voice to Parliament supplementary election in Region 1 – Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central).
The Electoral Commission of South Australia (ECSA) recognises that not everyone can vote on polling day and encourages eligible electors to download a postal vote application form or collect one from participating venues.
“If you will be away on polling day, or just want to get in early, you can apply for postal vote now,” Mick Sherry, South Australian Electoral Commissioner said.
You can apply for a postal vote by downloading an application form from the website (link)
All postal applications must be received by ECSA by 5pm on Friday 7 March 2025.
“We will post your ballot papers to you.”
Postal applications have also been distributed to a number of Aboriginal networks, Non-Government Organisations, Aboriginal organisations and local councils across Region 1 Central.
If you would like to apply for postal voting, contact ECSA well in advance so that hard copies of ballot papers can arrive in time for completion and returning to ECSA by Friday 21 March 2025.
To participate, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must be enrolled on the State electoral roll for Region 1 Central.
Region 1: Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) Supplementary Election CandiatesThe declaration of nominations was held at 12 noon on Monday 24 February 2025. The declared candidates are detailed below in ballot paper order.
Telephone: 1300 655 232
Visit savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/electoralcomsa/
X: https://www.twitter.com/SAElectoralCom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SAelections
Candidates for 2025 South Australian First Nations Local Voice to Parliament Supplementary Election
Due to the resignation of members, supplementary elections are needed to fill vacant positions for Region 1 Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) and 4 Murraylands, Riverland and South East (Riverland & South East).
Today marked a milestone in the SA Voice Supplementary Elections
At declaration of nominations at 12 noon, Monday 24 February 2025, the following people have been accepted as candidates and are listed below in the region they are standing in, and in the order which they will appear on the ballot paper.
Region 1: Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central)
- O’MEARA, Marnie
- O’BRIEN, Trevor
Region 4: Murraylands, Riverland and South East
The number of accepted candidates was not more than the number of vacancies and the following person was declared elected.
Mick Sherry
24 February 2025
More details via savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
MEDIA RELEASE: ECSA launches its inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan
MEDIA RELEASE: Inaugural Reflect Launch
Adelaide, South Australia
Image caption: Sprit in Unity's Naomi and Maureen standing with ECSA's DEC Alice Cashen and Manager Communication & Engagement Immacolata at the launch
Today the Electoral Commission of South Australia (ECSA) has launched its Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
The Reflect RAP sets out ECSA’s commitment to reconciliation and the actions it will take to build the organisations understanding and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands cultures, histories, knowledge and rights.
This RAP is the starting point of ECSA’s reconciliation journey.
ECSA has a proud history of collaborating with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities throughout South Australia to ensure they can exercise their rights to participate in electoral events, including the APY Executive Board and the SA Local First Nations Voice to Parliament elections.
This Reflect RAP aims to build upon and consolidate these previous efforts, enshrining reconciliation as a core priority for ECSA in the lead-up to future State, Local Government, and other First Nations elections. It represents ECSA’s commitment to continually improving its effectiveness in working with diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities—whether remote, regional, or urban—and delivering electoral services that meet their needs.
As part of our commitment to reconciliation, ECSA will create a Reconciliation Working Group (RWG) to oversee the governance and implementation of this RAP.
This RAP is only the first step and will focus on the internal changes necessary for ECSA to develop its capacity as a culturally capable service provider. Doing so will ensure ECSA can continuously improve its effectiveness in working with the diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, remote, regional, and urban, and deliver electoral services that meet their needs.
For a copy, see our RAP webpage – https://ecsa.sa.gov.au/rap
Image caption: Sprit in Unity's Naomi and Maureen standing with ECSA's EC Mick Sherry and DEC Alice Cashen at the launch
Media enquiries
Phone: 0401 149 166
Elector Expiation Notice Payments
Online banking payments
Electors who have received an Expiation Notice from the Electoral Commission SA and are experiencing difficulties with online banking payments, are encouraged to contact ECSA at 1300 655 232 for further assistance.
Information about failure to vote can be located on our website at ecsa.sa.gov.au
SA Local First Nations Voice Supplementary Elections; Nominations
Nominations now open for the supplementary elections in regions 1 and 4.
Nominations are now open to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to become a candidate in their local First Nations Voice Supplementary Elections in Region 1 Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) and Region 4 Murraylands, Riverland and South East.
Due to the resignation of SA Voice members, supplementary elections are needed to fill vacant positions in these two regions.
“Any eligible Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person could nominate to stand as a candidate for their Local First Nations Voice,” Alice Cashen, South Australian Deputy Electoral Commissioner said.
“We encourage First Nations people in Region 1 Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) and Region 4 Murraylands, Riverland and South East, to enrol to vote or update their details.”
Nominations open Tuesday 28 January and close 5.00pm Tuesday 11 February 2025.
Community information sessions in both regions are being held from 28 January 2025 to February 7th.
More information about the sessions, nominations and enrolment is available on the website - https://www.savoiceelection.sa.gov.au and on ECSA social media channels.
SA’s First Nations Voice to Parliament Supplementary Elections
Due to the resignation of members, supplementary elections are needed to fill vacant positions for Region 1 Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) and 4 Murraylands, Riverland and South East (Riverland & South East).
What is the South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament Election, what are supplementary elections, and who can vote?
The South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament Election is the process for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders of South Australia to elect their representatives to the South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament. Through the Voice, First Nations people have their say at the highest levels of decision-making in South Australia, including to Parliament, on matters, policies and laws that affect them. The Voice is an advisory body and does not have veto powers or decision-making powers in South Australia’s Parliament. It allows the opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to raise community priorities in a public, transparent, and accountable way.
Only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders enrolled in South Australia can vote and nominate as a candidate in the election. Voting in the SA First Nations Voice to Parliament Election is not compulsory.
There are 6 regions across South Australia, with an elected body for each. All elected members are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and are elected by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live in their region.
Of the 6 regions:
- Five have 7 elected members
- One (the Central Local First Nations Voice region) has 11 elected members, as it has a higher population of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Due to the resignation of SA Voice members, supplementary elections are needed to fill vacant positions in Regions 1 Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) and Region 4 Murraylands, Riverland and South East (Riverland & South East).
Enrolment for the Region 1 (Central) and Region 4 (Riverland & South East) supplementary elections closed at 5pm, Tuesday 11 February 2025.
Regional maps are available, click here (link goes to the ECSA map website)
For Region 1 Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central), a supplementary election for a single vacancy will be held for candidates of any gender.
For Region 4 Murraylands, Riverland and South East (Riverland & South East), a supplementary election will be held for a single vacancy for male candidate only.
Polling day is Saturday 15 March 2025.
Inaugural 2024 SA First Nations Voice to Parliament Results
View the results for the Local First Nations Voice positions in the 2024 SA First Nations Voice Election:
- Region 1 – Central
- Region 2 – Far North
- Region 3 – Flinders & Upper North
- Region 4 – Riverland & South East
- Region 5 – West & West Coast
- Region 6 – Yorke & Mid-North
The South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament Election was held on Saturday, 16 March 2024.
MEDIA STATEMENT: Adelaide Plains - Result of second petition
Media statement from the Electoral Commission of SA (ECSA)
Adelaide Plains - Result of second petition
Adelaide, South Australia
The Court of Disputed Returns has made orders finalising the second petition filed by the Electoral Commissioner seeking to correct the outcome of the 2022 election in the Adelaide Plains Council area.
The Commissioner filed two petitions after identifying an error in the settings of the computer software used to count votes in complex elections, which he considered affected the outcome of the election in the Adelaide Plains Council area and a recount conducted following the resignation of a former Adelaide Plains Councillor.
The petitions sought to correct the results of the election and the recount to ensure they reflected the will of the voters.
Since the Commissioner lodged the petitions more than 28 days after the conclusion of the election, he had to apply to extend time to allow the petitions to be heard. On 27 August 2024, the Court granted the Commissioner extensions of time to hear both petitions. In its judgment, the Court stressed that the error in the counting and declaration of votes was solely the responsibility of the Commissioner, and there was no reason to think the former councillors brought about their removal from office or did not fulfil their functions as councillors with enthusiasm and diligence.
As a result of the second petition, the Court has now declared Mr Carmine Di Troia not duly elected. The Court has ordered that a recount be conducted to fill the casual vacancy.
Work is underway to prepare for the recount which will be conducted in early January 2025.
The Commissioner welcomes the finalisation of both petitions and apologises for the impact of the error on each of the respondents and the Adelaide Plains Council.
Media enquiries
All requests will be responded to in a timely manner.
Phone: 0401 149 166
First petition media release (linked)
1894 Adult Suffrage Bill | A moment in time still makes impact today
We are today celebrating 130 years of the Adult Suffrage Bill passing both Houses of the South Australian Parliament. At the time, it was a significant step for women, however for our Aboriginal voice the impact wasn’t immediately felt.
In the 1800’s women did not have the right to vote or sue, and married women had limited property ownership. They wore uncomfortable clothes, could not speak to a man until they had been formally ‘introduced’, and had to produce as many children as they could. Women typically had lower literacy rates than men, as they were barred from higher education. Our Aboriginal colleagues had it worse. Among this environmental backdrop 11,600 men and women signed a petition asking the South Australian Parliament to give women the right to vote. The vast number of signatures meant that the petition was 122 metres long. It is still the longest petition that has ever been presented to the South Australian Parliament.
So, on 18 December 1894, the South Australian Parliament passed the Constitutional Amendment (Adult Suffrage) Act.
This amendment granted women in the colony the right to vote and allowed them to stand for parliament.
South Australia is still celebrated as the first electorate in the world to give equal political rights to both men and women.
On that same day, South Australian Aboriginal women were also given the right to vote.
However, they were often not informed of this right. In some cases, Aboriginal people were actively discouraged from enrolling or voting.
These days we know (and quote) “the Aboriginal voice is heard within the community as an agent for social, cultural, and political development. The Aboriginal voice also speaks for the land and for spiritual matters.” Ref (1)
Cast forward to 2024, and we have witnessed the introduction of the South Australian First Nations Voice Election to Parliament, which is a representative, legislatively created elected body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the state. More than 110 candidates nominated for the First Nations Voice and the inaugural First Nations Voice election was held on Saturday 16 March 2024. Ref (2)
Through the Voice, First Nations people can have their say at the highest levels of decision-making in South Australia on matters, policies and laws that affect them.
If we cast back to approximately 1994, a writing project emerged, where Aboriginal women revealed their hopes and dreams for future generations. It resulted in the publication of a book Angkiku Bultu (Women's Paths) compiled by Port Adelaide Girls High School students.
Alice Rigney, Principal Kaurna Plains School, said at the time of the Angkiku Bultu book launch "It is important to know your background to get your direction for the future."
The First Nations Voice Act 2023 provides flexibility for each Local First Nations Voice to decide how it will engage with communities, the government agencies they want to connect with, and the matters they wish to engage on.
As we embrace our future, it is days like today which remind us how far we have come.
1894 Adult Suffrage Bill | A moment in time
Selected to depict a typical government of the 1800’s
Electoral Commission of 1877 The Electoral Commission in session, Washington, D.C., February 16, 1877; from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, March 10, 1877. Publisher Encyclopædia Britannica
Selected to depict the South Australian backdrop in the 1800’s
View of Port Adelaide, South Australia, watercolour by Samuel Thomas Gill, c. 1845.
South Australia's First Nations Voice to Parliament
The 120th anniversary of women's suffrage in Australia
South Australia - Colonization, Exploration, Aboriginals | Britannica
The Voice is made up of 2 levels – 6 Local First Nations Voices and a State Voice.
For Federal Election voting, by June 1902, women were eligible to vote in two states: South Australia (1894), and Western Australia (1899). The New South Wales (NSW) Legislative Assembly followed in August 1902, then the Tasmanian House of Assembly in 1903, Queensland in 1905, and Victoria in 1908.
Electoral Districts Boundaries Commission Redistribution Report
MEDIA RELEASE | From the Electoral Districts Boundaries Commission
The Electoral Districts Boundaries Commission (“the Commission”) has released its redistribution report, which contains plans of the electoral districts to be contested at the next State election.
The report details the Commission’s reasons for altering the electoral districts in the manner shown in the maps of the 47 electoral districts included in the report. The report is available on the Commission’s website at edbc.sa.gov.au
The electoral quota for each electoral district of 27,423 is based on the State’s electoral enrolment of 1,288,896 as at the relevant date of 30 June 2024. The projected enrolment by 30 June 2026 is 1,328,188, such that the projected electoral quota for each electoral district is 28,259.
The redistribution alters the boundaries of 16 of the 47 House of Assembly electoral districts and results in approximately 38,894 electors changing electoral district.
Secretary to the Commission, Mr David Gully, noted, “the Commission was again faced with declining populations in regional districts, and pursuant to the Constitution Act 1934 (SA) is compelled to ensure the number of electors in each district is within the allowable tolerance of 10% of the electoral quota.”
Mr Gully further noted, “this has necessitated changes to the districts in the west and north of the State, including the reuniting of Port Augusta within the district of Giles with Whyalla. Stuart retains Port Pirie and expands further to the south.”
Mr Gully said, “the Commission has also determined that the electoral district of Frome should be renamed having considered representations and historical records regarding the third Surveyor-General of South Australia, General Edward Charles Frome’s involvement in retributive actions taken against Aboriginal people in the Coorong area in 1840, following what has been referred to as the ‘Maria Massacre’.”
The electoral district will now be named Ngadjuri. Ngadjuri, pronounced ‘Na-dju-ri’, means “we people” and refers to the Ngadjuri people, whose traditional lands cover the mid north region of South Australia, including a significant portion of the electoral district formerly named Frome.
Mr Gully also highlighted that “while the Commission had proposed in its draft report to change the boundaries of Flinders, Black, Croydon, Gibson, Morphett, and West Torrens, it has considered a number of submissions and determined to retain the boundaries of these electoral districts, set in the 2020 electoral redistribution.”
“The Commission expresses its appreciation to those who made representations and submissions during the course of this electoral redistribution, many of which were wellconsidered and provided valuable contributions,” Mr Gully said.
Media contact: Mr David Gully –
Human Rights Day "Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now."
This year, the focus is on how human rights can empower individuals and communities to forge a better tomorrow.
2024 reminds us to carefully guard the institutions, processes and practices that centre our individual and collective dignity, and to develop and maintain constituent frameworks for balancing competing human rights and public interests. A healthy democracy makes sure that all members of the community have equal access to the political process.
South Australia was the first electorate in the world to give equal political rights to both men and women (in 1894). But it wasn't until 1962 that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were allowed to vote at federal elections. Then, in 2010, Rowe v Electoral Commissioner, the High Court struck down laws that required the electoral rolls to close on the date of the issue of electoral writs. The impact of this case continues today however to note, in the 2013 election, over 180,000 people enrolled, re-enrolled or updated their details.
Voting rights are just one of a range of human rights such as freedom of speech, association and assembly that are vital to our democracy.
“Two cheers for democracy: one because it admits variety and two because it permits criticism.” - E.M. Forster
In 1907 the State Electoral Department was created as an independent office responsible for the conduct and administration of parliamentary elections in South Australia. The State Electoral Department then became the State Electoral Office in 1993 and to our current name of, the Electoral Commission SA, in 2009. The Electoral Commission of South Australia (ECSA) was the first electoral administration in the world to use computer technology to produce an electoral roll, the first prototype roll scanner, and the development and use of cardboard ballot boxes and voting compartments.
ECSA constantly reviews our work practices to ensure the quality of our electoral services and products, make voting easier. Our influence in shaping how South Australians vote, is witnessed through our initiatives to assist eligible voters at parliamentary elections, including the recent Dunstan and Black by-elections: (read more https://www.ecsa.sa.gov.au/news/2024-idpwd )
Rights Resource Media Contact List: https://www.rightsnetworksa.com/_files/ugd/8cf77c_86ebcd64819c4b8881ed77dd8314a067.pdf
MEDIA STATEMENT: Adelaide Plains - Result of petition
Media statement from the Electoral Commission of SA (ECSA)
Adelaide Plains - Result of petition
Adelaide, South Australia
The Court of Disputed Returns has made orders finalising a petition filed by the Electoral Commissioner seeking to correct the outcome of the 2022 election in the Adelaide Plains Council area. The Court made the orders with the consent of the affected parties.
The Commissioner filed two petitions after identifying an error in the settings of the computer software used to count votes in complex elections, which he considered affected the outcome of the election in the Adelaide Plains Council area and a recount conducted following the resignation of a former Adelaide Plains Councillor.
The petitions seek to correct the results of the election and the recount to ensure they reflect the will of the voters.
Since the Commissioner lodged the petitions more than 28 days after the conclusion of the election, he had to apply to extend time to allow the petitions to be heard. On 27 August 2024, the Court granted the Commissioner extensions of time to hear both petitions. In its judgment, the Court stressed that the error in the counting and declaration of votes was solely the responsibility of the Commissioner, and there was no reason to think the former councillors brought about their removal from office or did not fulfil their functions as councillors with enthusiasm and diligence.
As a result of the petition, the Court has now declared Ms. Terry-Anne Keen and Mr. Eddie Stubing not duly elected, and Mr. Melville Lawrence and Mr. Brian Parker duly elected.
The Commissioner welcomes the finalisation of this petition and apologises for the impact of the error on each of the respondents and the Adelaide Plains Council.
The second petition filed by the Commissioner about the outcome of the recount conducted following the resignation of a former Adelaide Plains Councillor is still before the Court.
Media enquiries
All requests will be responded to in a timely manner.
Phone: 0401 149 166
Office Closure

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD)
Voting is a powerful right and obligation, and the Electoral Commission of South Australia is genuinely committed to making sure the voices of all South Australians are heard.
On this International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD), we acknowledge and stand by our commitment and ongoing work to ensure those people living with any form of disability, can directly influence how we support people to have their say in elections.
The United Nations theme for IDPwD 2024 is 'amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.' Australians are striving for more people with disability in leadership roles and we encourage this pact.
Our influence in shaping how South Australians vote, is witnessed through our initiatives to assist eligible voters at parliamentary elections, including the recent Dunstan and Black by-elections, including:
- Polling locations and early voting centers meeting our accessibility checklist, which includes full or assisted wheelchair access, and at least two permanent or temporary accessible parking spaces,
- Promotional and advertising materials including polling place accessibility,
- Magnifying aids being available at all polling locations,
- One (at least) desktop voting screen being available at all polling locations,
- Voting outside polling places offered to enable polling officials to assist electors, by taking materials to their vehicles to cast their votes, when unable to enter the polling location,
- Declared institutions visited during early voting to capture votes, and
- Postal voting options.
Engaging with our community is vital to ensure that the voices of South Australians living with disability are heard.
We encourage people who are not able to go to attend a polling place (in a parliamentary election), to apply for a postal vote. Note; postal voting is standard for Council elections.
We encourage those who are unable to sign their name due to a physical disability to get someone else to complete their enrolment form and sign it on their behalf. A registered medical practitioner must complete and sign the medical certificate to enable this.
We attend declared institutions, such as aged care facilities, during early voting in parliamentary elections, allowing residents to vote at a voting booth set up within the residence, or from their bed if they cannot leave their room.
We use Telephone Assisted Voting (TAV) in local council elections, and this option will be available at the next state election for low vision and sight impaired voters.
Our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan is on the ECSA website and specifies key programs and their implementation at South Australian elections. We will continue to advocate for further improvements to the electoral process. As we head closer to the 2026 state election, our pact is to again seek involvement in the Electoral Disability Advisory Committee.
Reference Links
ECSA Disability Action Plan

Media Statement 2024 Black by-election: Declaration of results
The Black by-election concluded with the formal declaration of results at the Cove Civic Centre on Tuesday 26 November 2026, with ECSA’s Returning Officer for Black, Jude Blayney, declaring the results.
Later this day, the Electoral Commissioner of South Australia, Mick Sherry, returned the Writ to The Hon Leon Bignell MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly.
The following is the results for first preference votes:
PARKIN, Jonathan Aust Family Party (AFP) 1,069 5.0%
WILSON, Amanda Liberal Party (LIB) 7,300 34.1%
DIGHTON, Alex Australian Labor Party (ALP) 10,248 47.9%
LUSCOMBE, Sarah The Greens (GRN) 2,799 13.1%
The following is the final distribution of preferences, Mr Dighton obtained 12,820 votes, equating to an absolute majority of 59.9% of the vote.
Of the 26,540 enrolled in the District of Black, 82.6% voted.
Voter participation for the Dunstan by-election held in March 2024 (by way of example) was 80.8%
Average voter participation for South Australian by-elections has been 81%
Voting included 2,226 returned postal votes and 8,551 electors voted early at the two polling locations, South Brighton and Hallet Cove, from Monday 11 November – Friday 15 November 2024.
By-election facts
135 polling officials
Call Centre
1,126 calls
Avg call handle time 2mins 24 secs
Avg wait time 15 seconds
120 emails to our call center
8,194 website (active users on 16 November via organic search or socials)
11.5k X Twitter Impressions (over 30 days)
1,214 X Twitter Impressions (on 16 November)
895,747 Instagram views (past 30 days) (86.3% posts + 13.7% reels)
1,291 Facebook views (on 16 November)
87k Facebook reach (past 30 days)
Following every election, ECSA must issue a notice to each elector who appears not to have voted.
The Black electoral district includes the suburbs Hallett Cove, Kingston Park, Marino, Seacliff, Seacliff Park, Seaview Downs, Sheidow Park, South Brighton and Trott Park.
Media enquiries
All requests will be responded to in a timely manner.
Phone: 0401 149 166
MEDIA ALERT: Black by-election declaration of results invitation
Adelaide, South Australia
Tuesday 26 November 2024, 12.30pm
Declaration of Results Invitation
The Black by-election will conclude with the formal declaration of results at the Cove Civic Centre at 12.30pm on Tuesday 26 November 2026. ECSA’s Returning Officer for Black, Jude Blayney will present Alex Dighton, Labor Candidate, with the certificate of election.
Cove Civic Centre
1 Ragamuffin Dve
Main Room 3-4
ECSA will have the services of an event photographer and can supply still images if required.
Media enquiries All requests will be responded to in a timely manner.
Phone: 0401 149 166
Eligible early voters encouraged for the Black by-election
The lead up to polling day at the Black by-election has been positive with over 6,400 people taking the opportunity to vote early.
Electoral Commissioner of South Australia, Mick Sherry has been encouraged by those who are eligible to vote early – to do so.
“We are encouraged by electors who have used the early voting eligibility criteria to ensure their vote is counted, in particular considering the heat predicted for Saturday.”
“The queues have been steady at both early voting centres in South Brighton and Hallet Cove, with 6,479 early votes issued as of Thursday night. The extended opening hours on Thursday night was well attended.”
“Many who are working on Saturday, who are away on holidays, who are frail or pregnant, have all lined up to vote.”
"We encourage vulnerable electors to consider voting at an early voting centre and keep out of the heat. The early voting centres will be open until 6.00pm today.”
Additionally, 2,749 Black electors completed postal vote applications, which closed on Thursday 14 November, with final postal ballot packs in the mail today.
Postal voters must complete their ballot papers before 6:00 pm on Saturday 16 November 2024 (polling day) and they have up to 7 days to return their envelope to the electoral commission. Anyone completing postal votes must have their envelopes received by the Returning Officer by Saturday 23 November 2024, which indicates an immediate return via mail.
“It is compulsory to vote in the Black by-election and voters should cast their vote.”
Polling booths for the Black by-election will be open from 8.00am to 6.00pm, Saturday 16 November 2024.
There are nine polling booths across the District of Black, from South Brighton to Hallet Cove, which are available on the Electoral Commission of South Australia (ECSA) website’s interactive map.
As the weather is predicted to be in the mid to high 30’C, ECSA encourages electors in the District of Black to plan their day and be prepared with water, hat and sunscreen.
“As the weather is predicted to be hot tomorrow, we are encouraging people to plan their day and consider going to a polling location at the cooler part of the day. Bring out your hat, sunscreen and water.”
Information on polling locations, accessibility and opening times will be available on the interactive map available on the ECSA website.
“Make your vote count – vote.”
Black by-election website
Media enquiries All requests will be responded to in a timely manner.
Phone: 0401 149 166
MEDIA ALERT: Black by-election engaging first time youth voters
Adelaide, South Australia
Engaging First Time Youth Voters in the Upcoming Black By-Election
With the Black by-election fast approaching on 16 November 2024, newly eligible voters have been encouraged to participate in a critical moment for the future of their community. This by-election offers first-time voters an exciting opportunity to make their voices heard and engage directly with the democratic process. Empowering young voters not only enriches their civic understanding but strengthens community representation.
The Electoral Commission invites media attention to the importance of engaging first-time voters. Their participation not only bolsters the democratic process but fosters a new generation of active and informed people who will shape the future of South Australia.
The email issued by ECSA:
Congratulations on becoming eligible to vote in an election 🙌
Criteria used:
Person born on or after 19 March 2004 (ie after the State Election)
Black by-election website
Media enquiries
All requests will be responded to in a timely manner.
Phone: 0401 149 166
MEDIA ALERT: Options to vote early at the Black by-election
Adelaide, South Australia
Options to vote early at the Black by-election
The Electoral Commission of South Australia (ECSA) are providing several options for those who cannot vote in person at the upcoming Black by-election, being held on Saturday 16 November 2024.
Electoral Commissioner of South Australia, Mick Sherry acknowledges that some people may not be available or cannot vote in person on election day.
“We understand that some people are unable to attend a polling booth on polling day. Eligible voters can get their vote in ahead of election day by applying for a postal vote or visiting an early voting centre.”
You are eligible to vote by post if, on polling day, you are:
- Travelling,
- Sick, infirm, disabled or caring for someone, preventing you from attending a polling booth
- Due to give birth shortly, or
- Working and unable to leave your workplace to vote.
Postal applications for eligible electors are now available on the ECSA website, at local Australia Post outlets in the district of Black or via telephoning ECSA on 1300 655 232. The last day to apply for a postal application form is Thursday 14 November.
ECSA will start sending out postal voting packs from Monday, 4 November. At this time all candidates will be confirmed, and ballot papers will be printed.
ECSA has also organised two early voting centres (EVC’s) within the district of Black. Eligible voters can vote in person one week before election day, from Monday 11 November to Friday, 15 November.
“Two Early Voting Centres will be available. One at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Hallet Cove, and the second at the Lou Kesting Community Hall in South Brighton.”
These EVCs will be open from 8.00am to 6.00pm daily, with extra service hours on Thursday, 14 November, when opening hours will be from 8.00am to 8.00pm.
Information on EVC locations, accessibility and opening times will be available on the interactive map available on the ECSA website.
“As it is compulsory to vote in the Black by-election, voters should start planning how they will vote now. If you won’t be able to vote in person or will be away on election day, make sure you check your voting options on the website and cast your vote.”
Black by-election website
Media enquiries
All requests will be responded to in a timely manner.
Phone: 0401 149 166
Black by-election declaration of nominations
The Declaration of nominations and draw for ballot paper positions was held at 3pm Friday, 1 November 2024, at the Returning Officer office.
The following table shows the list of candidates nominated for the House of Assembly district of Black.
Electoral Commission SA does not publish information about candidates’ political platforms or policies.
Ballot paper order
Position | Surname | Given name/s | Affiliation |
1 | PARKIN | Jonathan | Aust Family Party |
2 | WILSON | Amanda | Liberal Party |
3 | DIGHTON | Alex | Australian Labor Party |
4 | LUSCOMBE | Sarah | The Greens |
Black by-election update | Candidate ballot paper draw
Adelaide, South Australia
Candidate ballot paper draw
If you are interested in witnessing the Black by-election declaration of candidates and the draw for position of names on ballot papers, you are welcome to attend in person at 3pm on Friday 1 November 2024.
The ballot draw will be undertaken by the Returning Officer and be held at the Hallett Cove Office.
To register attendance, please email
For more information about the Black by-election: ecsa.sa.gov.au
Black By-election update | Electoral roll closes today
The Black By-election is on Saturday 16 November 2024. If you have recently moved into, or out of, the Black electoral district, changed your name or want to add your email or phone number to your enrolment details you must do so by 5:00 pm today.
The electoral roll closes today, Monday 28 October at 5:00 pm.
Black by-election update | Declared Institutions as at 28 October 2024
To assist residents of institutions such as nursing homes, hostels, convalescent homes, hospitals and corrective facilities, ECSA offer an Electoral Visitor Program to provide in-person voting facilities.
Trained and vetted electoral officials (known as Electoral Visitors) visit institutions to take votes, generally between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday in the week prior to polling day. In some situations, the service may continue through to 6pm on polling day itself.
The service allows residents to be issued with a vote in-person at the institution, but the service is not intended for staff or visitors.
Check the list below to see if your institution will be attended by our Electoral Visitors during the Black by-election.
Calvary Brighton Aged Care | 580 Brighton Road, South Brighton 5048 | Tuesday 12 November 2024, 9:30am - 12:30pm |
Anglicare SA - Trott Park | 4 Kangaroo Thorn Road, Trott Park 5158 | Wednesday 13 November 2024, 9:30am - 12:30pm |
Black by-election website
Black by-election update | Reminder to enrol or update enrolment (is now closed)
Adelaide, South Australia
Eligible electors are being urged to ‘enrol or update their enrolment to vote’ for the upcoming Black by-election by 5pm on Monday 28 October 2024.
The Electoral Commission of South Australia encourages eligible electors to enrol or update their enrolment especially if you have moved into the District of Black recently. This district located to the south-west of metropolitan Adelaide and includes the suburbs of Hallett Cove, Marino, Kingston Park, Seacliff, Seacliff Park, Seaview Downs, Sheidow Park, South Brighton and Trott Park.
“It is compulsory for all eligible Australian citizens over the age of 18 years to enrol to vote in South Australia”, Mick Sherry, South Australian Electoral Commissioner said,
“With the Black by-election election coming up, we want as many eligible electors in the District of Black enrolled, and ready to have their say.”
Enrolment for the Black by-election closes at 5pm Monday 28 October 2024.
“If you will be enrolling for the first time to vote, or updating your enrolment, it’s quick and easy to do online. All you need is an Australia driver's license number, an Australian passport number, Medicare card details, Australian citizenship number or have someone who is enrolled confirm your identity.”
You can enrol or check your enrolment via the following link: https://ecsa.sa.gov.au/enrolment
Note; If you are registered as a silent, itinerant or overseas elector your details are not available online.
If you have issues confirming your enrolment for this compulsory election, please contact:
- Electoral Commission of South Australia on 1300 655 232
- Australian Electoral Commission on 13 23 26
Black by-election website
Media enquiries
All requests will be responded to in a timely manner.
Phone: 0401 149 166
Black by-election update | New Candidates
Further to our announcement from 16 October 2024
If you wish to nominate to be a ‘new’ candidate, you may be entitled to public funding as reimbursement of political expenditure.
To participate, please lodge a 130Y certificate on or before 5pm on the day you announce your candidacy or nominate (whichever occurs first).
(Note: You are not defined as a new candidate if you have stood for election to the House of Assembly within the preceding 5 years or for election in the Legislative Council within the preceding 9 years. Refer to section 130ZF(5)(b) of the Act for further information.)
More information
Funding and disclosures website: ecsa.sa.gov.au
If you need to check or update your enrolment, you can choose one of the following options:
- Check my enrolment: https://ow.ly/VMbp50QFZkF
- Enrol online: https://ow.ly/4l8H50QFZkE
- Update my details online: https://ow.ly/4l8H50QFZkE
Black by-election update | Candidate briefing session
[EDIT] This candidate briefing has been held. Further questions can be directed to email
If you are interested in contesting in the Black by-election as a candidate, a briefing session was held on Monday 21 October at 6.00pm at the Electoral Commission of South Australia, 60 Light Square, Adelaide.
The candidate briefing session will cover important topics, such as:
- Legislation and Key Dates
- Nominations
- Voting Services
- Scrutiny, Counting and Results
- Advertising and Complaints
- Funding and Disclosure
To register attendance, please email
Black by-election announced
The Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon. Leon Bignall MP has announced that the Black by-election will be held on Saturday 16 November 2024.
Funding and disclosure
If you wish to nominate to be a candidate, you may be entitled to public funding as reimbursement of political expenditure. To participate, please lodge a 130Y certificate as per ECSA lodgement deadlines set out below.
If you are an:
• Endorsed candidate
• Unendorsed candidate – not a ‘new candidate’
• Unendorsed candidate- who is a new candidate and has already announced their candidacy for the by-election.
>> ECSA must be provided with a certificate under section 130Y on or before 5pm on 16th October 2024
If you are an:
• Unendorsed ‘new candidate’
>> ECSA must be provided with a certificate under section 130Y on or before 5pm on the day you announce your candidacy or nominate (whichever occurs first).
(Note: You are not defined as a new candidate if you have stood for election to the House of Assembly within the preceding 5 years or for election in the Legislative Council within the preceding 9 years. Refer to section 130ZF(5)(b) of the Act for further information.)
More information
Funding and disclosures website: ecsa.sa.gov.au
If you need to check or update your enrolment, you can choose one of the following options:
- Check my enrolment: https://ow.ly/VMbp50QFZkF
- Enrol online: https://ow.ly/4l8H50QFZkE
- Update my details online: https://ow.ly/4l8H50QFZkE
International Day of Democracy
International Day of Democracy, serves as a moment to reflect on the global state of democracy and provides an opportunity to explore the evolution of democracy in South Australia.
The United Nations established the day in 2007, encouraging all members of state to honour and raise awareness of the principles of democracy annually on September 15.
Do you know where the word ‘democracy’ comes from?
It is made up of two Greek words: demos (the people) and kratos (rule). “This ‘government by the people’ is a system in which the highest power is given to the people and used by them or by their elected representatives under a free electoral system.” (www.education.parliament.nsw.gov.au/international-day-of-democracy)
Democracy in South Australia
In South Australia we have a system of representative democracy, where citizens elect representatives to parliament, and they make decisions on their behalf.
South Australia lead the way by granting women the right to vote and stand for parliament in 1894. We were the first colony in Australia to extend equal political rights to men and women.
The Constitution (Female Suffrage) Act granted women the right to vote and to stand for parliament. This included Aboriginal women. South Australia was the first Australian colony to give women these rights.
The first South Australian polling day in which women could participate in was held on 25 April 1896. At this election, the percentage of women who voted was marginally higher than the percentage of men who voted.
On this International Day of Democracy, let’s reflect on the development of democracy in South Australia and how far we have come to have a fair and just democratic system for our citizens.
To find out more about the history of South Australia’s democracy, check out the Democracy Timeline on The Centre of Democracy website - www.centreofdemocracy.sa.gov.au
2024 APY Executive Board Elections: Results now available
Provisional results of the elections conducted on Wednesday 21 August 2024, are now available.
2024 Tatiara District Council supplementary election: Results now available
After the first preference count, Debbie Brown was provisionally declared elected at 12:08pm on Wednesday 5 June 2024.
2024 City of Onkaparinga supplementary election: Results now available
After the first preference count, Kim Davis was provisionally declared elected at 4:57pm on Tuesday 4 June 2024.
2024 South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board Election: Dates announced
Dates have been announced for the 2024 South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board Election.
Information regarding this election can be found here:
2024 Supplementary Council Elections: Requesting a replacement pack
Requesting a replacement pack
- City of Onkaparinga - Councillor for Pimpala Ward
- Tatiara District Council - Area Councillor
The deadline you can apply for replacement voting material is 5 pm on Monday 27 May 2024.
You can request a replacement ballot pack if you have been left off the roll in error, or the original material was:
- not received
- destroyed or lost
- spoiled
Completing your ballot papers
To make a formal vote, you must number at least as many boxes as there are vacancies, in the order of your choice.
For this election, you must place the number 1 in the candidate square on the ballot paper for the person you want as your first choice. If you wish, you may continue to number some or all of the other boxes (starting with the number 2).
Directions on how to vote are shown on the ballot paper. Make sure you view the candidate profiles to make an informed decision.
Returning your ballot papers
Follow these steps after completing your ballot paper:
- Place your folded ballot paper in the ballot paper envelope provided.
- Seal the ballot paper envelope.
- Ensure the relevant declaration is completed with your details and signed.
- Place your sealed ballot paper envelope in the reply-paid envelope and seal it.
- Mail the reply-paid envelope so that it reaches the returning officer before 12 noon on Monday 3 June 2024.
2024 APY Executive Board Elections: Close of Roll
Today is your last chance to get enrolled to vote before the 2024 APY Executive Board Elections. The roll will close at 5pm TODAY!
You must be enrolled to vote!
If you need to check or update your enrolment, you can choose one of the following options:
- Check my enrolment: https://ow.ly/VMbp50QFZkF
- Enrol online: https://ow.ly/4l8H50QFZkE
- Update my details online: https://ow.ly/4l8H50QFZkE
To find out more about the election and how to enrol, visit: ecsa.sa.gov.au/apy
Close of Roll for Supplementary Election - Wakefield Regional Council
Due to the resignation of a member of the council, a supplementary election will be necessary to fill the vacancy of Councillor in North Ward.
The voters roll for this supplementary election will close at 5pm on Friday 31 May 2024.
You are entitled to vote in the election if you are enrolled on the State electoral roll for the council ward. If you have recently turned 18 or changed your residential or postal address, you must complete an electoral enrolment form available online at www.ecsa.sa.gov.au
If you are not eligible to enrol on the State electoral roll you may still be entitled to enrol to vote if you own or occupy a property in the council ward. Contact the council to find out how.
Nominations to fill the vacancy will open on Thursday 27 June 2024 and will be received until 12 noon on Thursday 11 July 2024.
The election will be conducted entirely by post with the return of ballot material to reach the Returning Officer no later than 12 noon on polling day, Monday 26 August 2024.
2024 Supplementary Council Elections: Onkaparinga and Tatiara, ballot distribution
The distribution of ballot packs to Onkaparinga (Pimpala Ward), and Tatiara electors has started. Keep an eye out for your voting packs in your mailbox from 7 May 2024.
Have your say on the future of your community - Complete the ballots in your voting pack and mail them back to us asap, so we receive them before the close of voting on Monday 3 June 2024.
For more information about our current supplementary elections, visit:
2024 Supplementary Council Elections: Roll closing for two councils
2024 Supplementary Council Elections: Candidates for Onkaparinga and Tatiara
- City of Onkaparinga - Councillor for Pimpala Ward
- Tatiara District Council - Area Councillor
2024 Supplementary Council Elections: Nominations closed for two councils
- Councillor for Pimpala Ward - City of Onkaparinga
- Area Councillor - Tatiara District Council
Following the close of nominations, at 2pm, the nominations will be declared and there will be a draw for positions on the ballot paper.
The draw will be available to watch through our livestream from 2pm.
More information is available through the election links below:
2024 Tasmanian Legislative Council elections
Voting in person
Voting in person is available on Level 6, 60 Light Square, Adelaide SA 5000.
Early voting will operate from Monday, 15 April to Friday, 3 May 2024.
Office open hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
Last day of voting: Friday, 3 May – voting closes at 4pm.
Office will be closed: Thursday, 25 April (Anzac Day).
In-person voting will not be available on weekends, including election day, Saturday, 4 May 2024.
Voting by post
Postal voting is available for anyone who resides in Tasmania and is required to vote in this election.
For more information, please visit the Tasmanian Electoral Commission website.
Dunstan by-election research
Verian Group, in partnership with Q&A Research, will be contacting electors in the Dunstan electoral district via email and phone over the course of April to discuss their experience in relation to the by-election that took place on Saturday 23 March 2024.
Contact will come from
If you have any questions, please contact the Electoral Commission of South Australia on 1300 655 232 or
2024 Dunstan by-election: Declaration of results
On Friday 5 April 2024, at the Norwood Town Hall, the Returning Officer for Dunstan, Mike Raphael, concluded the by-election with the declaration of results ceremony and presented Cressida O'Hanlon with our certificate of election.
The Labor candidate, Cressida O'Hanlon, was declared elected as the Member for Dunstan. Cressida O’Hanlon obtained 6,896 first preference votes. Following the distribution of preferences, Cressida O'Hanlon obtained 10,914 votes, equating to an absolute majority of 50.8% of the vote.
View the distribution of preferences
Returning Officer for Dunstan, Mike Raphael (left), with the Labor candidate, Cressida O'Hanlon (right)
2024 Dunstan by-election: Distribution of preferences
The final distribution of preferences is now available.
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: All results now confirmed
Confirmation of the final results have been emailed to candidates from Tuesday 2 April 2024. Candidates who do not have an email address will be sent a letter by post.
View the results for the Local First Nations Voice positions in the 2024 SA First Nations Voice Election:
2024 Supplementary Council Elections: Nominations now open
Due to the resignations of members, supplementary elections will be necessary to fill the vacancies of:
If you're thinking about running for council, candidate nominations are now open.
Nominations are open from today and close at 12 noon Thursday 18 April 2024.
Nominations are to be completed online through the nominations portal.
2024 Wattle Range Council supplementary election: Second Campaign Donation return now due
Second Campaign Donation return now due.
Candidates who stood in the contested supplementary election for Corcoran Ward are advised that the second campaign donation return is now due. The return can be lodged from today (3 April 2024) and must be lodged by 17 April 2024.
A return must be lodged regardless of whether you were elected or not. If you have not received gifts with an amount or value more than $500, you should lodge a NIL return.
The campaign donation return form is downloaded and lodged electronically in PDF form via the candidate portal.
Penalties may apply if this return is not lodged. Candidates elected as members of council are subject to their position becoming vacant if they do not lodge this return within the period prescribed by the Local Government Act 1999.
2024 Supplementary Council Elections: Nominations information
- City of Onkaparinga - Councillor for Pimpala Ward
- Tatiara District Council - Area Councillor
- When: 6:00pm Thursday 4 April
- Where: Online. The briefing session will be recorded and placed online for reference.
- Registrations: Required. Register online
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Results for Region 1 - Central
The provisional declaration for Region 1 (Central) was made on 28 March 2024, at 6:00pm. The results remain provisional for 48 hours after the provisional declaration.
Unsuccessful candidates may request a recount within this 48-hour period by using the online form.
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Results for Region 6 - Yorke and Mid-North
The provisional declaration for Region 6 (Yorke and Mid-North) was made on 27 March 2024, at 5:20pm. The results remain provisional for 48 hours after the provisional declaration.
Unsuccessful candidates may request a recount within this 48-hour period by using the online form.
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Results for Region 5 - West and West Coast
The provisional declaration for Region 5 (West and West Coast) was made on 26 March 2024, at 4:36pm. The results remain provisional for 48 hours after the provisional declaration.
Unsuccessful candidates may request a recount within this 48-hour period by using the online form.
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Results for Region 4 - Riverland and South East
The provisional declaration for Region 4 (Riverland and South East) was made on 26 March 2024, at 11:36am. The results remain provisional for 48 hours after the provisional declaration.
Unsuccessful candidates may request a recount within this 48-hour period by using the online form.
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Results for Region 3 - Flinders and Upper North
The provisional declaration for Region 3 (Flinders and Upper North) was made on 25 March 2024, 3.47pm. The results remain provisional for 48 hours after the provisional declaration.
Unsuccessful candidates may request a recount within this 48-hour period by using the online form.
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Results for Region 2 - Far North
The provisional declaration for Region 2 (Far North) was made on 25 March 2024, 11:58am. The results remain provisional for 48 hours after the provisional declaration.
Unsuccessful candidates may request a recount within this 48-hour period by using the online form.
2024 Dunstan by-election: Postal vote application deadline
- DOWNLOAD the postal vote application form from the website
- PRINT the postal vote application form and complete all the sections
- SIGN the declaration section
- RETURN your completed application by EMAILING a scanned copy or a photo of it to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Count schedule now available
Vote counting for the 2024 SA First Nations Voice Election will commence from Monday 25 March 2024. Counting will continue through the week and may require further counting into early April following the Easter Break.
The below table outlines the planned count schedule. This schedule may change, subject to operational requirements. Candidates will be notified of any change via email.
Date and start time | 9am | 1pm | 3pm |
Monday 25 March 2024 | Region 2 – Far North | Region 3 – Flinders and Upper North | - |
Tuesday 26 March 2024 | Region 4 – Riverland and South East | Region 5 – West and West Coast | - |
Wednesday 27 March 2024 | Region 1 – Central | - | Region 6 – Yorke and Mid North |
For all the details, visit: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au/voting/count-schedule
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Today is polling day
Today is polling day for the 2024 SA First Nations Voice Election.
This is the opportunity for First Nations South Australians to choose who they think are the right people to put their best interests forward.
All eligible voters who haven’t voted yet can do so on polling day at 32 polling booths across South Australia.
Polling booths open at 8am and close at 6pm. All polling booth information is available online:
Voter turnout figures will be released once all declaration votes have been returned and counting of votes for each region is complete.
Counting will commence from Monday 25 March 2024. A schedule for counting votes, which will occur region by region, will be released next week.
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Mobile polling delayed in Yankalilla
Mobile polling location at Yankalilla Cultural Centre will be delayed by approx 30mins due to ferry delays. Approx open time now 2pm.
2024 Wattle Range Council supplementary election: Results now available
After the first preference count, John Shelton obtained quota and was provisionally declared elected at 11.52am on Wednesday 13 March 2024.
To view the distribution of votes refer to the scrutiny sheet for Wattle Range Council - Corcoran Ward - 13 March 2024 (PDF 229KB)
2024 Wattle Range Council supplementary election: Voting closed
Due to the resignation of a member of the Wattle Range Council, a supplementary election was necessary to fill the vacancy of Councillor for Corcoran Ward.
Voting closed at 12 noon on Tuesday 12 March 2024, and the scrutiny and count process will start on Wednesday 13 March 2024.
There are 4,331 electors eligible to vote in this supplementary election, using the postal voting method.
Our daily postal returns data shows 1,552 postal votes have been received - which is a voting rate of 35.8%
Results will be pubslished on the election website.
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Community visits this week
This week we'll be coducting mobile polling in Region 4, as well as voting information sessions in Region 1, Region 3 and Region 6.
Mobile polling this week
Victor Harbor | Tuesday 12 March, 10am to 4pm |
Christian Gospel Centre - 2 George Main Rd, Victor Harbor |
Parndana | Wednesday 13 March, 9:30am to 11:30am |
Parndana Town Hall - 192 Wedgewood Rd, Seddon |
Kingscote | Wednesday 13 March, 1:30pm to 3:30pm |
The Cook Community Centre, Kangaroo Island Health Service - The Esplanade, Kingscote |
Penneshaw | Thursday 14 March, 9am to 10:30am |
Penneshaw Town Hall - 99 Middle Terrace, Penneshaw |
Yankalilla | Thursday 14 March, 1:30pm to 3:30pm |
Yankalilla Cultural Centre and Library, Meeting room - 181 Main South Road, Yankalilla |
Coorong | Saturday 16 March, 10am to 3pm |
Long Point, Dupang Pangari Festival site - Long Point Rd, Coorong |
Voting information sessions this week
Port Adelaide | Tuesday 12 March 2024, 10:30am-1:30pm |
Tauondi - 1 Lipson St, Port Adelaide SA 5015 |
Port Pirie | Wednesday 13 March 2024, 12:30pm-4pm |
Solomontown Beach - 20 Beach Rd, Solomontown SA 5540 |
Port Augusta | Thursday 14 March 2024, 10:30am-1pm |
Gladstone Square - 13 MacKay St, Port Augusta SA 5700 |
Whyalla | Friday 15 March 2024, 10am-12pm |
Civic Park - Nicolson Av, Whyalla Norrie SA 5608 |
Call Centre operating hours
Over the coming weeks, our call centre will be open for additional hours.
You can contact our call centre on 1300 655 232 (within South Australia only).
Date | Open | Closed |
Tuesday, 12 March 2024 | 9 am | 6 pm |
Wednesday, 13 March 2024 | 9 am | 6 pm |
Thursday, 14 March 2024 | 9 am | 6 pm |
Friday, 15 March 2024 | 9 am | 6 pm |
Saturday, 16 March 2024 | 8 am | 6 pm |
Sunday, 17 March 2024 | closed | closed |
Monday, 18 March 2024 | 9 am | 6 pm |
Tuesday, 19 March 2024 | 9 am | 6 pm |
Wednesday, 20 March 2024 | 9 am | 6 pm |
Thursday, 21 March 2024 | 9 am | 6 pm |
Friday, 22 March 2024 | 9 am | 6 pm |
Saturday, 23 March 2024 | 8 am | 6 pm |
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Out in the community this week
This week we will be out in the community across South Australia conducting mobile polling and voting informations sessions.
Mobile polling this week:
- REGION 2: Amata, Indulkana (Iwantja), Kalka, Kaltjiti (Fregon), Marla, Marree, Mimili PY Ku, Mimili TAFE, Oodnadatta (Dunjiba), Pipalyatjara, Pukatja (Ernabella), Umuwa
- REGION 3: Copley, Davenport, Hawker, Nepabunna (Nipapanha), Quorn
- REGION 4: Bordertown, Kingston, Meningie, Millicent, Naracoorte, Narrung
- REGION 5: Koonibba, Oak Valley, Scotdesco (Bookabie), Yalata
- REGION 6: Clare, Jamestown, Loxton, Moonta, Point Pearce, Waikerie
To find out when the mobile polling team will be in the community, visit: https://bit.ly/3IilHa0
Voting information sessions:
- Tuesday 5 March 2024, 10:30am-2:30pm at Port Lincoln Aboriginal Community Council (30 Ravendale Rd, Port Lincoln SA 5606)
- Wednesday 6 March 2024, 10:30am-3pm at Ceduna Ceduna Memorial Hall (31 Poynton St, Ceduna SA 5690)
2024 Dunstan by-election: Declaration of nominations
The Declaration of nominations and draw for ballot paper positions was held at 3pm Friday, 1 March 2024, at the Returning Officer office.
The following table shows the list of candidates nominated for the House of Assembly district of Dunstan.
Electoral Commission SA does not publish information about candidates’ political platforms or policies.
Ballot paper order
Position | Surname | Given name/s | Affiliation |
1 | BRAY | Frankie | Animal Justice Party |
2 | O'HANLON | Cressida | Australian Labor Party |
3 | McCUSKER | Katie | The Greens |
4 | FINIZIO | Anna | Liberal Party |
5 | HUSSEY | Nicole | Aust Family Party |
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Visit to APY Lands
This week we'll be visiting the APY Lands to promote voting in the 2024 SA First Nations Voice Election.
- Tuesday 27 February 2024 from 11am to 3pm at the Amata RASAC shed.
- Wednesday 28 February 2024 from 11am to 3pm at the Pukatja RASAC shed.
- Thursday 29 February 2024 from 11am to 3pm at the Kaltjiti RASAC shed.
We look forward to meeting with the communities and having a yarn about voting in the upcoming SA First Nations Voice Election.
For more event information, visit: https://bit.ly/3SVLYlj
To learn more about the different regions: https://bit.ly/47SXpOo
2024 SA First Nations Voice Election: Declaration of nominations
Eligible candidates who have nominated for the election will be announced and the draw for positions on the ballot paper will be conducted as soon as possible from 12 noon on Monday, 26 February 2024. The results will be published at savoiceelection.sa.gov.au/voting/candidates.
Watch the livestream: https://bit.ly/4bN06nL
Updated at 4:30pm 26/02/2024: View the results: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au/voting/candidates
2024 Wattle Range Council supplementary election - Have you received your voting pack yet?
Voting packs were mailed to postal addresses from Wednesday 14 February until Tuesday 20 February 2024.
From today, if you haven't received your ballot material, and you believe you are entitled to vote, please contact ECSA on 1300 655 232.
The deadline you can apply for replacement voting material is 5 pm on Tuesday 5 March 2024.
You can only request a replacement ballot pack if you have been left off the roll in error, or the original material was:
- not received
- destroyed or lost
- spoiled
We're visiting Region 4 again - SA First Nations Voice Election
- Tuesday 20 Feb: Mannum - Mary Anne Reserve from 11am.
- Wednesday 21 Feb: Renmark - Jarrett Memorial Gardens from 10am.
- Wednesday 21 Feb: Berri - Riverview Drive (next to information centre) from 2pm.
- Thursday 22 Feb: Bamera - Lake Bonney (next to the jetty) from 10:30am.
Our friendly staff will be on hand to have a yarn about everything you need to know about voting in the 2024 SA First Nations Voice Election.
To learn more about the different regions, visit: https://bit.ly/47SXpOo
For all election information, visit: https://bit.ly/3SVLYlj
Candidate briefing session - 2024 Dunstan By-election
The session is for intending candidates in the 2024 Dunstan By-election.
- Legislation and Key Dates
- Nominations
- Voting Services
- Scrutiny, Counting and Results
- Advertising and Complaints
- Funding and Disclosure
Interested in nominating? Register your attendance: https://bit.ly/42MF1G8
2024 Dunstan By-election - Writ issue and nominations open
On 16 February 2024, the Writ was issued for a by-election in the Electoral District of Dunstan, with polling day on Saturday 23 March 2024.
Now that the writ has been issued, the by-election has officially commenced.
Nominations are open from Friday 16 February and close on 1 March 2024.
We're visiting Region 4 this week - SA First Nations Voice Election
- Wednesday 14 Feb: Murray Bridge - Sturt Reserve from 10:30am.
- Thursday 15 Feb: Mount Gambier - Pangula Aboriginal Health Community Hall from 10am.
Our friendly staff will be on hand to have a yarn about everything you need to know about voting in the 2024 SA First Nations Voice Election.
To learn more about the different regions, visit: https://bit.ly/47SXpOo
For all election information, visit: https://bit.ly/3SVLYlj
Roll close and Nominations close today - SA First Nations Voice Election
Are you nominating for the SA First Nations Voice Election? Planning to vote? Only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders on the South Australian electoral roll can nominate and vote in this election.
Roll close and Nominations close today at 5pm.
Make sure your nomination is complete and submitted before 5pm today, as changes or updates to nominations after this time are not possible.
Head to savoiceelection.sa.gov.au for more information and to complete your nomination.
Only South Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders can nominate as candidates in the SA First Nations Voice Election.
Find out more
Mailout of materials - 2024 Wattle Range Council supplementary election
Keep an eye out for your voting packs in your mailbox from Wednesday 14 February 2024.
Find out more
Public Funding Deadline - Dunstan By-election
The Electoral Act 1985 provides a public funding scheme in which candidates may be entitled to funding as reimbursement of political expenditure. To participate in the scheme, candidates must lodge a 130Y certificate before the deadline. Participants of the scheme are subject to capped limits on their political expenditure.
Nominations information sessions in Region 1 and 6 this week
This week we're hosting several nominations information sessions across Region 1 and Region 6:
Nomination information session | Wednesday 7 February 2024 | 10:30am-1:30pm | Port Pirie | Solomontown Beach | 20 Beach Rd, Solomontown SA 5540 | Arrive on the day |
Nomination information session | Thursday 8 February 2024 | 10:30am-1:30pm | Port Adelaide | Tauondi | 1 Lipson St, Port Adelaide SA 5015 | Arrive on the day |
Nomination information session | Friday 9 February 2024 | 10:30am-1:30pm | Christies Beach | Rotary Park | 1 Beach Rd, Christies Beach SA 5165 | Arrive on the day |
Join us for a yarn to find out everything you need to know about the SA First Nations Voice Election, including:
- What it is;
- How it's different from the Federal Referendum;
- How to become a candidate in the SA Voice Election;
- How, when and where to vote.
Find out more by visiting: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
Profiles now available - 2024 Supplementary Council Elections
Now that the draw for positions on the ballot paper has been completed, it's time to find out more about who is running for your local council.
Below is the list of candidates to fill the vacancy of Councillor for Corcoran Ward in Wattle Range Council.
- Joel McClure
- Penelope Henley
- John Shelton
- Shaun Taliana
View full profiles under the 'List of Candidate' section of the 2024 Wattle Range Council Supplementary Election website.
First campaign donation returns due - 2024 Supplementary Council Elections
The First campaign donation returns are due from Thursday, 1 February 2024 to Thursday, 8 February 2024.
Candidates for all councils must lodge a campaign donations return with the Electoral Commissioner.
For these supplementaryelections the first campaign donation return must be lodged with the returning officer in the period between 8 to 14 days after the close of nominations.
The second campaign donation return must be lodged within 30 days after the conclusion of the election.
Draw for positions on the ballot paper - 2024 Supplementary Council Elections
The draw for positions on the ballot paper was conducted at 1pm on Thursday 25 January 2024, after the close of nominations at 12 noon.
The livestream was recorded and is available for viewing: https://bit.ly/3SaVJd3
The results can also be found in the "List of candidates" sections on each of the election web pages
View each council election
More Brits overseas can now register to vote
If you’re overseas and want to participate in a federal election or referendum, you need to ensure you’re enrolled to vote.
From 16 January 2024, British citizens living permanently in Australia can now register to vote in the UK no matter how long ago they left or were last registered to vote in the UK. More information is available on the UK Electoral Commission’s website here.
Information from the Australian Electoral Commission
Contact the Australian Electoral Commission from overseas
- +61 2 6160 2600
- Online enquiry
- Twitter or Facebook
Nominations close 25 Jan - 2024 Supplementary Council Elections
Due to the resignations of three members of the council, supplementary elections will be necessary to fill the vacancies of Councillor for Willochra Ward (Mount Remarkable), Councillor for Telowie Ward (Mount Remarkable) and Councillor for Corcoran Ward (Wattle Range).
Nominations close at 12 noon Thursday 25 January 2024.
All nominations are to be completed online through the nominations portal.
Candidates must submit a profile of not more than 1000 characters with their nomination and may also provide a photograph, predominantly head and shoulders, taken within the previous 12 months.
In accordance with the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999, a draw will be held to determine the order of candidate names to appear on the ballot paper. The result of the draw will be detailed on our website after the close of nominations. A live stream of the declaration and ballot paper draw will be made available as soon as possible.
Find out more about what it's like to be a member of council.
This weeks candidate briefings for the 2024 SA First Nations Voice Election
This week we're hosting several candidate briefings sessions:
Candidate briefing session | Monday 22 January 2024 | 10:30am-3pm | Mount Gambier | TAFE SA - Mount Gambier | 158-174 Wireless Rd West, Mount Gambier SA 5290 | Book a spot |
Candidate briefing session | Tuesday 23 January 2024 | 10am-12pm | Murray Bridge | Murray Bridge Library | 2/51 South Terrace, Murray Bridge SA 5253 | Book a spot |
Candidate briefing session | Tuesday 23 January 2024 | 3pm-5pm | Renmark | Community Bridging Services building | 86 Nineteenth St, Renmark SA 5341 | Book a spot |
Candidate briefing session | Wednesday 24 January 2024 | 10am-1pm | Port Lincoln | TAFE SA - Port Lincoln | 2 London St, Port Lincoln SA 5606 | Book a spot |
Candidate briefing session | Thursday 25 January 2024 | 12pm-1pm | ONLINE | ONLINE | ONLINE | Book a spot |
Join us for a yarn to find out everything you need to know about becoming a candidate in the SA First Nations Voice Election.
Find out more by visiting: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
This weeks events for the 2024 SA First Nations Voice Election
This week we're hosting several information sessions and candidate briefings sessions:
Nomination information session | Monday 15 January 2024 | 10am-1pm | Mount Gambier | Pangula Mannamurna Aboriginal Corporation Community Hall | 191 Commercial St W, Mount Gambier SA 5290 |
Nomination information session | Tuesday 16 January 2024 | 11am-3pm | Murray Bridge | Sturt Reserve | Charles Sturt Drive, Murray Bridge SA 5253 |
Nomination information session | Tuesday 16 January 2024 | From 11am | Gawler | Gawler Health Service | 21 Hutchinson Rd, Gawler East SA 5118 |
Nomination information session | Wednesday 17 January 2024 | From 10am | Goolwa | Goolwa Community Centre | 25 Cadell Street Goolwa, SA, 5214 |
Nomination information session | Friday 19 January 2024 | From 10am | Mount Barker | Adelaide Hills Health Service | Gate 4, 87 Wellington Rd, Mount Barker SA 5251 |
Candidate briefing session | Tuesday 16 January 2024 | 6pm-8pm | Port Adelaide | Tauondi | 1 Lipson St, Port Adelaide SA 5015 |
Candidate briefing session | Wednesday 17 January 2024 | 6pm-8pm | Noarlunga | TAFE SA - Noarlunga | Ramsay Pl, Noarlunga Centre SA 5168 |
Candidate briefing session | Thursday 18 January 2024 | 6pm-8pm | Elizabeth | TAFE SA - Elizabeth | 2 Woodford Rd, Elizabeth SA 5112 |
Candidate briefing session | Friday 19 January 2024 | 6pm-8pm | Adelaide | ECSA office | 6/60 Light Square, Adelaide SA 5000 |
Join us for a yarn to find out everything you need to know about the SA First Nations Voice Election, including:
- What it is;
- How it's different from the Federal Referendum;
- How to become a candidate in the SA Voice Election;
- How, when and where to vote.
Find out more by visiting: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
Nominating as a candidate - 2024 Supplementary Council Elections
Due to the resignations of three members of the council, supplementary elections will be necessary to fill the vacancies of Councillor for Willochra Ward (Mount Remarkable), Councillor for Telowie Ward (Mount Remarkable) and Councillor for Corcoran Ward (Wattle Range).
Nominations open on Thursday 11 January 2024 and close at 12 noon Thursday 25 January 2024.
Nominations are to be completed online through the nominations portal.
Candidates must submit a profile of not more than 1000 characters with their nomination and may also provide a photograph, predominantly head and shoulders, taken within the previous 12 months.
Find out more about what it's like to be a member of council.
We're visiting Port Lincoln and Ceduna
This week we're visiting Port Lincoln and Ceduna!
- Tuesday 9 January in Port Lincoln from 10:30am to 2:30pm at the Port Lincoln Aboriginal Health Service Inc (19A Oxford Terrace, Port Lincoln SA 5606).
- Wednesday 10 January in Ceduna from 10:30am-3pm at the Ceduna Memorial Hall (31 Poynton St, Ceduna SA 5690).
- What it is;
- How it's different from the Federal Referendum;
- How to become a candidate in the SA Voice Election;
- How, when and where to vote.
Find out more by visiting: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
2024 Supplementary Council Elections - Online candidate briefing session
Online candidate briefing session
For intending candidates in the 2024 Supplementary Council Elections for the District Council of Mount Remarkable & the Wattle Range Council, an online briefing session will be held online at 6 pm on Thursday 11 January 2024. Please register through the link below.
2023 Christmas business hours
The Electoral Commission of South Australia will be closed from 12 pm Friday 22 December 2024 until 9 am Tuesday 2 January 2024.
If you have a question about enrolment, please contact the Australian Electoral Commission on 13 23 26.
Media statement - 7 December 2023
In preparation for the Court of Disputed Returns case involving an unsuccessful candidate in the City of Adelaide Central Ward Election, the Electoral Commission of SA (ECSA) has reviewed results for the 2022 Local Council Elections and identified an error in the computer software which it uses for counting votes in complex elections.
We're visiting Port Pirie and the Riverland
This week we're visiting Port Pirie and the Riverland!
- Tuesday 5 December in Port Pirie from 11am to 2pm at Solomontown Beach
- Wednesday 6 December in Mannum, from 11am to 2:30pm at Mary Anne Reserve
- Thursday 7 December in Renmark, from 10am to 1pm in Renmark Square Shopping Centre, and in Berri, from 2pm to 5pm on Riverview drive
- Friday 8 December in Waikerie, from 10:30am to 2:30pm in Lions Park.
- What it is;
- How it's different from the Federal Referendum;
- How to become a candidate in the SA Voice Election;
- How, when and where to vote.
Find out more by visiting: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
City of Tea Tree Gully – recount complete
Due to achieving the higher number of votes, Lyn PETRIE was provisionally declared elected at 10:16am on Tuesday 28 November 2023. Unsuccessful candidates may request a recount within 72 hours of the provisional declaration. If no request for a recount is granted by the conclusion of this period, the results become final.
We're visiting the Eyre Peninsula
This week we're visiting the Eyre Peninsula!
- Tuesday 28 November in Port Augusta, from 1pm to 4pm at the Port Augusta Cultural Centre
- Wednesday 29 November in Whyalla, from 1pm to 5pm at the Whyalla Public Library
- What it is;
- How it's different from the Federal Referendum;
- How to become a candidate in the SA Voice Election;
- How, when and where to vote.
Find out more by visiting: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
District Council of Cleve – recount complete
Due to achieving the higher number of votes, Colin Rayson was provisionally declared elected at 11:11am on Thursday 23 November 2023. Unsuccessful candidates may request a recount within 72 hours of the provisional declaration. If no request for a recount is granted by the conclusion of this period, the results become final.
Roll public access terminal currently unavailable
The publicly accessible roll terminal in the lobby of our Light Square office is currently unavailable.
The terminal is not currently functional and will not be available while we await some network changes.
The roll is still fully accessible via several terminals at the AEC’s Adelaide office, located at Level 9, 1 King William Street.
We're visiting the Flinders Ranges and central SA
This week we're visiting the Flinders Ranges and central SA!
- Monday 6 November in Leigh Creek, from 3pm to 5pm
- Wednesday 8 November in Oodnadatta, from 12.15pm to 2.30pm
- Thursday 9 November in Coober Pedy, from 1pm to 5pm
- What it is;
- How it's different from the Federal Referendum;
- How to become a candidate in the SA Voice Election;
- How, when and where to vote.
Find out more by visiting: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
We're visiting the APY Lands
This week we're visiting the APY Lands!
- Monday 23 October in Marla
- Tuesday 24 October in Kanpi, Pipalyatjara, Indulkana and Mimili
- Wednesday 25 October in Amata, Kaltjiti and Umuwa
- Thursday 26 October in Pukatja
- What it is;
- How it's different from the Federal Referendum;
- How to become a candidate in the SA Voice Election;
- How, when and where to vote.
Find out more by visiting: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
Also, come and provide your feedback on the 2023 APY Lands Boundary Review.
We're visiting the west coast of SA
This week we're visiting the west coast of SA!
- Monday 16 October in Koonibba
- Tuesday 17 October in Oak Valley
- Wednesday 18 October in Yalata
- Thursday 19 October in Scotdesco
- What it is;
- How it's different from the Federal Referendum;
- How to become a candidate in the SA Voice Election;
- How, when and where to vote.
Find out more by visiting: savoiceelection.sa.gov.au
2023 New Zealand General Election - Early voting
Voting in person
Voting in person is available on Level 6, 60 Light Square, Adelaide SA 5000.
Early voting will operate from Wednesday, 27 September to Friday, 13 October 2023.
Office open hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
Last day of voting: Friday, 13 October – voting closes at 4pm.
Office will be closed: Monday, 2 October.
In-person voting will not be available on weekends, including election day, Saturday, 14 October 2023.
Overseas voting
Additional information regarding overseas voting is available on the New Zealand Electoral Commission website.
Half yearly returns due for registered political parties, associated entities and third parties
Agents of registered political parties or third parties and financial controllers of associated entities are reminded that they are required to lodge a disclosure return for the period 1 January to 30 June 2023.
Political parties and third parties must disclose total amounts received and outstanding debts (together with particulars of amounts in excess of $5,838). Associated entities must disclose total amounts received (together with particulars of gifts and loans in excess of $5,838).
These returns must be lodged by Monday 31 July 2023.
All key dates for funding and disclosure for 2023 can be found on the funding and disclosure for state elections page.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Funding, Disclosure and Registration Branch
Reminder for donors and party agents
Donors are reminded that if they have made gifts with amounts or values of more than $5,838 between 1 January 2023 and 30 June 2023 to either:
- a registered political party, associated entity or third party (‘relevant entity’); or
- a person or body with the intention of benefitting a relevant entity,
they are required to lodge a donor return by Monday 31 July 2023 via the funding and disclosure portal.
Party agents are reminded that they must inform donors of the requirement to lodge a return in relation to a gift to a registered political party.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Funding, Disclosure and Registration Branch at