Count summary
Scrutiny and count was conducted on Tuesday 4 June 2024.
Enrolled voters | 21,377 |
Envelopes returned | 4,967 |
Envelopes accepted | 4,868 (7 envelopes did not contain a valid ballot paper) |
Envelopes rejected | 99 |
Voter participation | 4,967 (23.24%) of the total enrolment |
Formal votes | 4,826 |
Informal votes | 35 |
Quota | 2,414 |
First preference votes
Below are the first preference votes received by the candidates in the order they appeared on the ballot paper.
Candidate | First preference votes | Percent | Elected or Excluded |
McMAHON, Simon | 733 | 15.2% | |
DE JONGE, Rob | 658 | 13.6% | |
NIELSEN, Mark | 550 | 11.4% | |
SIMATOS, Alexander | 23 | 0.5% | |
PIVNIK, Sofia | 179 | 3.7% | |
O'BRIEN, Michael John | 917 | 19.0% | |
RAYMOND, Krystal | 162 | 3.4% | |
BROWN, Danika Rose | 216 | 4.5% | |
KUMAR, Deepak | 134 | 2.8% | |
CAVAIUOLO, Dominic | 24 | 0.5% | |
DAVIS, Kim | 1,230 | 25.5% | ELECTED |
Total | 4,826 |
Distribution of preferences - Final result
After the distribution of preferences, Kim Davis was declared elected at 4:57pm on Tuesday 4 June 2024.
To view the distribution of votes refer to the scrutiny sheet for City of Onkaparinga - Councillor for Pimpala Ward - 4 June 2024 (PDF 299KB).
Daily returns
At the close of nominations at 12 noon on Thursday 18 April 2024, a total of 11 nominations were received and accepted for the supplementary election. In accordance with the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999, a draw was held to determine the order of candidates names to appear on the ballot paper. The result of the draw and profiles for each of the candidates are displayed below. This information is provided by the candidate and neither the returning officer nor the City of Onkaparinga takes responsibility or bears liability for the information contained within.
List of candidates
In accordance with the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999, the draw to determine the order of candidate names to appear on the ballot paper was held on Thursday 18 April 2024. The result of the draw are detailed below.
City of Onkaparinga – Pimpala Ward
McMAHON, Simon
As a former Deputy Mayor and candidate for the Pimpala Ward, I'm deeply committed to building resilient, secure communities. With a background in education, government, and extensive volunteering(including with esteemed local service groups), I bring a wealth of experience to the table. My foremost priority is sound financial management. I pledge to work tirelessly to reduce council rates, slash debt, and ensure every dollar is spent wisely and transparently. Upholding the values of accountability and responsibility, I will champion support for local sporting clubs, service groups, and the enhancement of community amenities such as parks, footpaths and roads. Our environment deserves protection, and I will ensure it remains a priority. Elect me as your Pimpala Councillor, and together, we'll forge a brighter future for our community.
I do not live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details: 0431 532 257 | I am a member of the Liberal Party of Australia (SA Division)
Rob is Local and Level-headed. I live and work in Happy Valley and have lived in the Onkaparinga Council for over 35 years, having paid Rates since 2006. I support community projects like the Woodcroft Skate Park, Tangari Walking Trails, Bains Road Resurfacing, Jophin Court Woodcroft Playground & Serpentine Rd O'Halloran Hill Reserve. I support a safe and active community and playgrounds for our children and walking and cycling tracks for people and dogs to enjoy. I absolutely love assisting community groups. My Community involvement has included Football & Tennis Clubs & Fresh FM. I am keen to continue leading the community with a common sense approach. Thank you for voting for me. Give me a call anytime. Phone / SMS: 0404 135 357. Address : 56 Kenihans Road Happy Valley SA 5159
I live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details: 0404 135 357 | I am not a member of a Political Party
I moved into Onkaparinga 34 years ago when I married. My wife & I have 2 adult children & we run a small business. I have a Diploma of Property & an understanding of accounting and legal processes but most importantly how to deal with problems and people. I have been inspired by my uncle who was a veteran of Gallipoli and a West Torrens Councillor so I believe I know what residents expect from their representatives including keeping Australia Day. His example leads me to believe we need to return to the basics of Rates, Rubbish, Roads, Recreation and Rapid Response with a Council dedicated to serving the interests of the people. I will hold the Council accountable for all the money they spend. We must insist that all Council finances be subjected to a Forensic Audit. Many expenses can be handed back to state and federal government. We are in the middle of a cost of living crisis; expenses must be cut and rates must be cut. I believe I can deliver. https://mark4council.com.au
I do not live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details:
SIMATOS, Alexander
My name is Alexander, i am a 41 year old Who has lived in the city of onkaparinga for over 20yrs. I am passionate about our community, making it a safe and inviting community for family’s. I am passionate about making sure our rates go further in making our community better and minimising waste.
I do not live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details:
I am a motivated and young individual that is passionate about my local council! I was born and raised in the city of Onkaparinga and recently bought a house in the Pimpala Ward, I believe I am a true representative of our community. I understand that Onkaparinga is an area with many first home owners along with some very established community members and all of us have a shared goal of nurturing our space. I support bridging the gap between generations within our community, creating beautiful shared spaces for everyone to enjoy. I propose a direct focus on our deserving nature parks, reserve-land and bike/run tracks. Having cycled, ran and walked many of these in my time I believe they require some further development and improvement. I hope to improve accessibility for all. In addition to this, I believe there should be more transparency in the way the local government conducts its business and I ensure to provide people with ample opportunity to participate.
I live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details:
O'BRIEN, Michael John
Let's get Council 'Back to Basics' and reduce our rates. I have lived in Happy Valley for over 20 years with my wife Teresa and son Cameron. My qualifications include a Bachelor of Economics degree and I have held senior roles in the finance and banking industry including Head of Finance at the South Australian Museum. I have recently retired and have the time, energy and ability to perform the role. My economic and finance background allows me to identify waste and inefficiencies. I will identify areas of waste in Council operations enabling an immediate reduction in rates and improved financial sustainability. I have a strong view that Local Council, as the third tier of government, should focus on doing their core functions well. We should have excellent roads, footpaths, reserves, parks and waste collection. My focus will also be to stop illegal dumping and to have dangerous trees and limbs removed. Please contact me to discuss my suitability as Pimpala Ward Councillor.
I live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details: 0401 511 863 | I am not a member of a Political Party
RAYMOND, Krystal
I am nominating for local council to be a strong voice and representative of residents within the Pimpala Ward and wider Onkaparinga community. I believe in working for the community, advocating for what the local residents want and don't want. It's important to me that we ensure the wellbeing of our families, protect our local wildlife and natural surroundings, and create a sustainable and inclusive future for generations to come. I will support the Urban Greening targets of the council, work closely with the Onkaparinga Youth Committee to support our younger residents to reach their full potential, and oversee local road and park upgrades to accommodate the growing region. Working with local community groups, I will help improve visibility of and access to supports and grants available to ensure they not only thrive, but flourish.
I live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details:
BROWN, Danika Rose
My name is Danika Brown and as a life-long resident of the City of Onkaparinga, I am running to be an Elected Member for the Pimpala Ward. I am 30 years old with a degree in Psychology that has led me to a fulfilling career as an Analyst at an accounting firm, specialising in internal audit. As an Analyst, I have assisted with internal audits and reviews within local and state governments in areas such as fraud and corruption controls, cybersecurity, procurement and strategic planning. Through these engagements, I have built great working relationships and created a strong understanding of local government and the importance of a strong and effective Council. In my spare time, I enjoy walking my dog Coco, watching footy games (go Crows!) and getting a coffee after a pilates class and supporting local businesses. The City of Onkaparinga is an amazing place to live. I would love to be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion and be a positive contribution to the community.
I live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details:
KUMAR, Deepak
Hello, I'm Deepak Kumar, a motor driving instructor and proud Indian. I have two amazing kids and a supportive wife who brighten me every day. I've collaborated with Labour MPs in Pimpala ward. I prfioritize road safety, public transportation, and environmental sustainability. My values are integrity, empathy, and resilience. I'm committed to listening to your concerns and building a vibrant community together. Thank you for your support.
I live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details:
Thirty five years as a secondary school teacher has given me valuable transferable skills and knowledge that I can use to best support the issues and concerns of the residents of Pimpala ward. I have and continue to support my community through my work as a Justice of The Peace. As a resident of the Onkaparinga Council area for 65 years it would be my honour to serve the residents of Pimpala ward.
I live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details:
My family have lived and thrived in Woodcroft and Happy Valley for 5 generations. I have always been connected and engaged with our community, serving on the committees of many local clubs. This profound connection motivates my decision to run for the position of Pimpala Ward Councillor. Following my service in the Australian Defence Force, I returned to Woodcroft with my husband to raise our 3 children (and 2 dogs!). I have travelled extensively around Australia and believe this is 1 of the most livable communities in the country. For the past 15 years, I have loved working with the wonderful families at Woodcroft Primary School. This experience has enriched my professional life and formed great relationships. My bond to this community is lifelong and I am enthusiastic about the chance to contribute to and advocate for decisions that enhance our quality of life. I am asking you to vote for me to be your Councillor for Pimpala.
I live in Pimpala Ward | Contact Details:
Voting in council elections is conducted by post. All election materials, including your ballot paper, are mailed directly to the postal address you provide on the electoral roll.
Ballot packs
Automatic ballot pack mail out: Tuesday 7 May to Tuesday 14 May 2024.
Ballot packs contain:
- a ballot paper for the election
- candidate profiles
- a ballot paper envelope (you must sign this envelope, as the elector, to ensure ballot security)
- a reply-paid envelope
- a postal voting guide
Completing your ballot papers
To make a formal vote, you must number at least as many boxes as there are vacancies, in the order of your choice.
For this election, you must place the number 1 in the candidate square on the ballot paper for the person you want as your first choice. If you wish, you may continue to number some or all of the other boxes (starting with the number 2).
Directions on how to vote are shown on the ballot paper. Make sure you view the candidate profiles to make an informed decision.
Returning your ballot papers
Follow these steps after completing your ballot paper:
- Place your folded ballot paper in the ballot paper envelope provided.
- Seal the ballot paper envelope.
- Ensure the relevant declaration is completed with your details and signed.
- Place your sealed ballot paper envelope in the reply-paid envelope and seal it.
- Mail the reply-paid envelope so that it reaches the returning officer before 12 noon on Monday 3 June 2024.
Requesting a replacement pack
If you haven't automatically received your ballot material by Monday 20 May 2024, and you believe you are entitled to vote, please contact ECSA on 1300 655 232.
The deadline you can apply for replacement voting material is 5 pm on Monday 27 May 2024.
You can request a replacement ballot pack if you have been left off the roll in error, or the original material was:
- not received
- destroyed or lost
- spoiled
Telephone-assisted voting
Telephone-assisted voting is a special service available for voters in the following categories:
- If you are blind or have low vision
- If you are interstate or overseas during the voting period.
Dedicated call centre
Telephone-assisted voting will be available during the hours listed below.
Dates | Times |
Wednesday 29 May to Friday 31 May 2024 | 9:00 am to 5:00 pm |
Monday 3 June (close of voting) | 9:00 am to 12:00 pm |
Preparing to vote by telephone
Consider your vote
- Review the candidates and their profiles and decide your choices before making your call
- List the candidates in order of your choice so you can relay this to the voting assistant who will mark the ballot paper accordingly.
Telephone-assisted voting method
- Contact the call centre on one of the numbers below to speak to an ECSA representative
- 1300 655 232 within South Australia only
- 08 7424 7400 from interstate
- +61 8 7424 7400 from overseas
You will be asked to verify your identity and your entitlement to vote. Your call will then be transferred to a voting assistant, who will take your vote.
Daily returns table
Total electors: 21,377
Date | Ballots returned | Percentage |
09/05/2024 | 0 | 0.0 |
10/05/2024 | 0 | 0.0 |
11/05/2024 | n/a - weekend | n/a - weekend |
12/05/2024 | n/a - weekend | n/a - weekend |
13/05/2024 | 926 | 4.33 |
14/05/2024 | 939 | 4.39 |
15/05/2024 | 495 | 2.32 |
16/05/2024 | 0 | 0.0 |
17/05/2024 | 322 | 1.51 |
18/05/2024 | n/a - weekend | n/a - weekend |
19/05/2024 | n/a - weekend | n/a - weekend |
20/05/2024 | 278 | 1.30 |
21/05/2024 | 480 | 2.25 |
22/05/2024 | 297 | 1.39 |
23/05/2024 | 83 | 0.39 |
24/05/2024 | 293 | 1.37 |
25/05/2024 | n/a - weekend | n/a - weekend |
26/05/2024 | n/a - weekend | n/a - weekend |
27/05/2024 | 3 | 0.01 |
28/05/2024 | 98 | 0.46 |
29/05/2024 | 258 | 1.21 |
30/05/2024 | 198 | 0.93 |
31/05/2024 | 157 | 0.73 |
01/06/2024 | n/a - weekend | n/a - weekend |
02/06/2024 | n/a - weekend | n/a - weekend |
03/06/2024 - Voting closed at 12 noon | 140 | 0.65 |
Total | 4,967 | 23.24 |
Information for candidates
Candidate briefing sessions
Online by the Electoral Commission of SA
A briefing session for intending candidates was held online at 6 pm on Thursday 4 April 2024. Watch the recording
In-person by City of Onkaparinga
A briefing session for intending candidates was held at the Noarlunga Office, Ramsay Place, Noarlunga Centre, at 6:30pm Wednesday 10 April 2024.
Acts and Regulations
The rules that govern council elections are set out in:
The Acts and Regulations should be read in conjunction with the Local Government Act 1999.
Candidate eligibility and ineligibility
You are eligible to be a candidate for election as a member of a council if you are:
- an Australian citizen
- at the time the electoral roll closes:
- enrolled in the council area you are contesting, or
- the nominee of a body corporate or a group that has its name on the voters roll for the council area
- left off the voters roll for the council area in error.
You are not eligible to be a candidate for election as a member of a council if you are:
- a member of an Australian Parliament; or
- an undischarged bankrupt or receiving the benefit of a law for the relief of insolvent debtors; or
- have been sentenced to imprisonment and are, or could on the happening of some contingency become, liable to serve the sentence or the remainder of the sentence; or
- are an employee of the council; or
- are disqualified from election by court order under the Local Government Act 1999.
You are not eligible to be a candidate for election as a member of a council if you:
- in the case of a supplementary election - are a member of another council; or
- in the case of any election - are a candidate for election as a member of another council
Candidate disclosure returns
A person who is a candidate for election to an office of a council must lodge the following returns with the Electoral Commissioner via the candidate portal.
Candidates must lodge a campaign donations return with the Electoral Commissioner.
Candidates must lodge 2 returns:
For a supplementary election:
- the first campaign donation return must be lodged with the returning officer in the period between 8 to 14 days after the close of nominations
- the second campaign donation return must be lodged within 30 days after the conclusion of the election.
The return must disclose:
- the total amount or value of all gifts received during the disclosure period
- the number of people who made those gifts
- the amount or value of each gift
- the date on which each gift was made
- details of persons and organisations (donors) providing those gifts.
The campaign donations return need not set out any details in respect of:
- a private gift made to the candidate
- a gift with an amount or value less than $500
- a gift already disclosed in a large gift return
If a candidate is not required to provide any details in a return, the campaign donations return must still be lodged and include a statement to the effect that no gifts of a kind required to be disclosed were received.
All candidates must lodge a large gifts return if they receive a gift or gifts from a donor in excess of $2,500.
The Acts prescribe different times that the large gifts return must be lodged, but during the election year, a large gift return must be lodged within 5 days of receipt of the large gift.
The return must disclose:
- the amount or value of each gift received
- details of persons and organisations (donors) providing those gifts
- the date on which each gift was made.
Two or more gifts (excluding private gifts) made by the same person to a candidate during the disclosure period are to be treated as one gift.
A large gifts return need not set out any details in respect of a private gift made to the candidate. A gift to a candidate is a private gift if it is made in a private capacity to the candidate for their personal use and the candidate has not used, and will not use, the gift solely or substantially for a purpose related to the election.
Large gifts returns should be lodged with ECSA at
See section 85 of the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999. It is an offence to fail to lodge a return within time, to lodge a return containing false or misleading information, or to supply information that is false or misleading to another person for a return. The maximum penalty is $10,000.
Public inspection of returns
The Electoral Commissioner is required to publish all returns within prescribed times on a website maintained by the returning officer.
See section 89 of the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999. A person must take reasonable steps to retain all records relevant to a return and keep these for at least 4 years after the date of which the relevant return is required to be lodged. The maximum penalty is $5,000.
Frequently asked questions
ALL COUNCILS (other than the City of Adelaide)
What returns do I have to lodge?
- 2 campaign donation returns – whenever a gift (or multiple gifts from the same donor) is received that totals $500 or more
- Large gift return - whenever a gift (or multiple gifts from the same donor) is received that totals $2,501 or more.
Where do I lodge my returns?
Copies of the disclosure returns for lodgement by candidates are available in the candidate portal under disclosure returns. Each completed return can be lodged on the portal during the allotted time that they are due; these dates are shown in the portal. If you are unable to lodge these via the candidate portal, please contact
Is there a difference between 'gift' or 'donation?'
The Act refers to a ‘gift’, but it effectively means the same as a ‘donation’.
A gift is defined in the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 (LGEA) as:
- a disposition of property
- made by a person to another person (otherwise than by will)
- without consideration in money or money’s worth or with inadequate consideration; and
- includes the provision of a service (other than volunteer labour) for no consideration or inadequate consideration.
By way of example, if a person gives money to a candidate (without getting anything in return), donates goods or services, or supplies a good or service to a candidate for less than the market or commercial rate, this may constitute a gift.
What is a 'disposition of property?'
A ‘disposition of property’ means a conveyance, transfer, assignment, settlement, delivery, payment or other alienation of property, and includes:
- the allotment of shares in a company; and
- the creation of a trust in property; and
- the grant or creation of a lease, mortgage, charge, servitude, licence, power or partnership or any interest in property; and
- the release, discharge, surrender, forfeiture or abandonment, at law or in equity, of a debt, contract or chose in action or any interest in property; and
- the exercise by a person of a general power of appointment of property in favour of another person; and
- a transaction entered into by a person with intent thereby to diminish, directly or indirectly, the value of the person's own property and to increase the value of the property of another person.
What do I have to disclose in a campaign donation return?
The form of return will be provided in the candidate portal with fillable fields to complete, including:
- the total amount or value of all gifts with an amount or value of $500 or more received by the candidate during the disclosure period
- the number of persons who made the gifts
- the amount or value of each gift
- the date on which gift was made
- the name and address of the person making the gift (or if a trust or incorporated association – the name of the association and the name and addresses of the executive committee of the association and the name and address of the trustees and title and description of the trust).
What do I have to disclose in a large gift return?
The form of return will be provided in the candidate portal with fillable fields to complete, including:
- the amount or value of each gift
- the date on which the gift was made
- the name and address of the person making the gift (or if a trust or incorporated association – the name of the association and the name and addresses of the executive committee of the association and the name and address of the trustees and title and description of the trust).
When do I have to lodge these returns?
Candidates must lodge a campaign donations return with the Electoral Commissioner.
Candidates must lodge 2 returns:
For a supplementary election:
- the first campaign donation return must be lodged with the returning officer in the period between 8 to 14 days after the close of nominations
- the second campaign donation return must be lodged within 30 days after the conclusion of the election.
Who is a candidate?
A person is a candidate if they have announced their candidacy for an election, if they have nominated as a candidate for an election, or if they are already a member of council standing for election again.
What is a 'new candidate?'
A person is defined as a ‘new candidate’, in relation to an election, if the person had not been a candidate in the last general election of a council and had not been a candidate at a supplementary election held after the last general election of a council.
Do I have to report the same campaign donation (i.e. gift) more than once?
No. Although the disclosure period (reporting period) for the second campaign donation return is the same as for the first campaign donation return, gifts already reported in the first campaign donation return do not need to be disclosed again.
What if I receive 2 or more gifts from the same donor?
There is a requirement to treat 2 or more gifts during the disclosure period as 1 gift, and once the total reaches $500 (for a campaign donation) or $2,501 (for a large gift), that ‘gift’ will be disclosed in the relevant campaign donation return or large gift return.
What if I do not receive any donations or any donations over $500? Do I still need to lodge both campaign donation returns?
Yes. You should lodge a NIL return for both.
What if I have already reported a gift received in a large gift return? Do I have to report it again in a campaign donation return?
No. You do not need to report a large gift in a later campaign donations return, if it has already been disclosed.
How do I know if something I give to a candidate needs to be disclosed?
If it is a private gift, it does not need to be disclosed. A gift is a private gift if it is made to a candidate in a private capacity for their personal use and the candidate has not used and will not use the gift solely or substantially for a purpose related to the election.
Do I have to disclose the use of volunteers as a gift?
No. Whilst the definition of a gift includes the provision of a service, volunteer labour is excluded.
Are there any other restrictions on the provision of a gift to a candidate?
Gifts to candidates are permissible, as long as they are appropriately disclosed (where required) by the candidate. Although the provision of a gift is not an illegal practice, candidates and others are subject to the requirements of s57 of the LGEA which provides that a person who offers or gives a bribe with a view to inducing a person to submit or withdraw candidature, influence votes or otherwise interfere with the election if guilty of an offence.
A bribe includes any pecuniary sum or material advantage including food, drink or entertainment where the value is equal to or more than $20.
It should be noted that it is unlawful to receive a gift of $500 or more unless the required details (name, address, etc) to identify the donor are obtained by the candidate. Records should be kept by the candidate.
What if I do not receive any donations over $2,500? Do I still need to lodge a NIL large gift return?
No. You do not need to lodge a large gift return unless you receive a gift (or gifts from the same donor) over $2,500.
Where do I find further information?
- Part 14, ss 80-90 of the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999
- Regulation 11A of the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 2010
Information is current as of 13 January 2023.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this FAQ guide is general in nature. Candidates and others should refer to the specific wording of the Act and Regulations and seek independent legal or other advice on any issues of interpretation that may arise.
Candidate responsibilities
As a candidate, you have a range of important responsibilities and obligations under the law. These include making sure all electoral material you publish contains the proper authorisation statement, and that the material is not inaccurate and misleading.
View the electoral advertising page for more information.
All candidates, whether successful or not, must lodge disclosure returns.
Electoral advertising
There are restrictions placed on advertising during, and outside of, an election period. These are contained within Part 7 of the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999. The Electoral Commission SA is unable to provide advice on the interpretation of these provisions. Therefore, if you are in doubt about the interpretation, we recommend you seek independent legal advice.
Learn more on our electoral advertising page.
Forms and handbooks
- Campaign donation return LG2 (PDF, 829KB)
- Candidate handbook LG20 (PDF, 1MB)
- Large gifts return LG52 (PDF, 232KB)
- Profile and photograph requirements LG13 (PDF, 735KB)
- Scrutineer authority LG15 - (PDF, 258KB)
- Scrutineer guide LG14 - (PDF, 528KB)
- Understanding the role of a councillor (PDF, 2.4MB)
- Voters roll - Acknowledgment of use LG55 (PDF, 236KB)
Nominating as a candidate
Nominations open on Thursday 4 April 2024 and close at 12 noon Thursday 18 April 2024.
Nominations are to be completed online through the candidate portal.
Candidates must submit a profile of not more than 1000 characters with their nomination and may also provide a photograph, predominantly head and shoulders, taken within the previous 12 months.
Find out more about what it's like to be a member of council.
Responsibilities as a member of a council
Councils are responsible for many of the services that make South Australia such a great place to live and work, including libraries, playgrounds, sporting facilities and rubbish and recycling.
Becoming a councillor or mayor means you will help shape a wide range of policies and decisions that will impact the short and long-term future of your local community.
More information can be found on the council elections website.
The electoral roll for the supplementary election closes at 5 pm on Thursday 29 February 2024.
If you are correctly enrolled for state elections in South Australia, you are automatically included on the council voters roll and will receive ballot papers through the post.
If you need to check or update your enrolment for future elections, you can choose one of the following options:
- Check my enrolment
- Enrol online (first time voters or to get back on the roll)
- Update my details online (for updates to your address, name or other contact details)
Council supplementary roll
If you are not enrolled on the state electoral roll you may be eligible to register on the council supplementary roll if you are:
- a resident or a non-Australian citizen who has lived at your residential address for one month or more
- an owner of an organisation or business
- an owner of a holiday home
- a sole owner, or group of owners, of a rateable property
- a sole occupier, or group of occupiers, of a rateable property
- a landlord of rateable property.
In accordance with section 15(5a) of the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999, council must purge the council's supplementary roll on 1 January of every election year. Therefore, all landlords, organisations, business owners or occupiers, and resident non-Australian citizens, must re-enrol from January 1 of every election year to be eligible to vote, with the exception of the City of Adelaide.
If you are unsure whether you are enrolled on the council supplementary roll, contact your local council.
Event | Legislation* | Date |
Close of rolls |
s 6(7)(a), s 15(9)(b) |
5 pm, Thursday 29 February 2024 |
Nominations open |
s 19(4) |
Thursday 4 April 2024 |
Online candidate briefing session |
6 pm, Thursday 4 April 2024 | |
Nominations close |
s 23(b) |
12 noon, Thursday 18 April 2024 |
Draw for positions on the ballot paper |
s 29(3)(b) |
as soon as practicable after 12 noon, Thursday 18 April 2024 |
First campaign donation return due |
s 80(3)(a)(ii) | Thursday 25 April to Thursday 2 May 2024 |
Mailout of materials |
s 39(1) |
Tuesday 7 May 2024 to Monday 13 May 2024 |
Last day for re-issue of voting materials |
s 39(4), s 43(4) |
5 pm, Monday 27 May 2024 |
Close of voting (polling day) |
s 6(6), s 6(7)(b) |
12 noon, Monday 3 June 2024 |
Scrutiny and count |
s 47(1)(a) |
From 9 am, Tuesday 4 June 2024 |
Second campaign donation return due | s 80(3)(b) |
Within 30 days of the 'conclusion of the election' |