Council elections (local government)
There are a total of 68 local government councils in South Australia. In council elections, people may nominate to be a candidate for mayor, or a councillor representing a single ward or the whole of the council area where it is not divided into wards.
More information
- Council candidates page (includes information on eligibility, the nominations process and legislation)
- Introduction to Local Government (PDF, 122KB)
State elections
State election candidates nominate to stand for election to the South Australian Parliament. Eligible candidates try to win seats in either the House of Assembly or Legislative Council.
Currently, there are 47 House of Assembly members who are elected for a 4–year term.
There are 22 Legislative Council members, half of whom are elected at each general election, and serve a term of 8 years.
More information
See our Houses of Parliament page for more detailed information about the House of Assembly and Legislative Council.
For a list of all Members of Parliament visit the Parliament South Australia website.
Political parties
Political parties are organisations whose members hold similar political views. In South Australian state elections, political parties have their candidates elected to seats in the House of Assembly and Legislative Council. Individuals can run as independent candidates, without being a member of a political party.
If you would like more details on party registration, see our how to register a political party page.
Party register