Voting in council elections is conducted by post. All election materials, including your ballot papers, are mailed directly to the postal address you provide on the electoral roll.
Ballot packs
Once nominations close and ballot papers are printed, postal ballot packs are automatically mailed to your postal address. Most electors receive one postal ballot pack. However, people who have properties or entitlements for a different election may receive more than one pack.
Your pack contains:
- a ballot paper for the election being contested in the council area for which you are entitled to vote (for example - mayor, area councillors or ward councillors)
- a candidate profile brochure
- a ballot paper envelope (you must sign this envelope, as the elector, to ensure ballot security)
- a reply-paid envelope
- a postal voting guide
Completing your ballot papers
To make a formal vote, you must number at least as many boxes as there are vacancies, in the order of your choice.
For example, in a ward with 2 vacancies and 5 candidates: You must use the numbers 1 and 2, in the order of your choice, to complete your ballot paper. If you wish, you may continue to number some or all of the other boxes (3, 4 or 5).
The number of vacancies and directions on how to vote are shown on the ballot paper. Make sure you view the candidate profiles to make an informed decision.
Returning your ballot papers
Follow these steps after completing your ballot papers- Place your folded ballot papers in the ballot paper envelope provided.
- Seal the ballot paper envelope.
- Ensure the relevant declaration is completed with your details and signed.
- Place your sealed ballot paper envelope in the reply-paid envelope and seal it.
- Mail the reply-paid envelope so that it reaches the returning officer before the close of voting.
Check the website at the time of a council election for the date you must return your completed ballot papers.
Easy read guides
We publish a wide range of educational materials designed to inform and educate South Australians about our electoral processes. Brochures, guides and videos range in accessibility levels and are produced in multiple languages to cater for everyone.