The Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon. Leon Bignall MP has announced that the Black by-election will be held on Saturday 16 November 2024.


Funding and disclosure

If you wish to nominate to be a candidate, you may be entitled to public funding as reimbursement of political expenditure. To participate, please lodge a 130Y certificate as per ECSA lodgement deadlines set out below.

If you are an:
• Endorsed candidate
• Unendorsed candidate – not a ‘new candidate’
• Unendorsed candidate- who is a new candidate and has already announced their candidacy for the by-election.

>> ECSA must be provided with a certificate under section 130Y on or before 5pm on 16th October 2024

If you are an:
• Unendorsed ‘new candidate’

>> ECSA must be provided with a certificate under section 130Y on or before 5pm on the day you announce your candidacy or nominate (whichever occurs first).

(Note: You are not defined as a new candidate if you have stood for election to the House of Assembly within the preceding 5 years or for election in the Legislative Council within the preceding 9 years. Refer to section 130ZF(5)(b) of the Act for further information.)

More information

Funding and disclosures website:

If you need to check or update your enrolment, you can choose one of the following options: