Due to the passing of a member of the Council, a supplementary election was necessary to fill the vacancy of Councillor for Somerton Ward.

Ward map

To check if an address is in Somerton Ward refer to the following map, or you can enter the address in the LGA’s Find My Council lookup tool.

City of Holdfast Bay Somerton Ward Boundary Map


Roll close 5 pm Tuesday 31 August 2021
Opening of nominations Thursday 23 September 2021
Nominations close 12 noon, Thursday 7 October 2021
Dispatch of ballot material to electors Tuesday 26 October 2021 to Monday 1 November 2021
Close of voting (Polling Day) 12 noon, Monday 15 November 2021
Scrutiny and count 9 am, Tuesday 16 November 2021


At the close of nominations at 12 noon, Thursday 7 October 2021, a total of four nominations were received and accepted for the supplementary election. In accordance with the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999, a draw was held after the close of nominations to determine the order in which names of candidates would appear on the ballot paper and the result of the draw was as follows:

Profiles of each of these candidates are available by clicking their names above.

Daily Returns

City of Holdfast Bay graph representing daily envelope returns

Count Summary

Enrolled voters 7208
Envelopes returned 1780
Envelopes accepted


Envelopes rejected at preliminary scrutiny  43
Envelopes rejected at count 2
Voter participation 1780 (24.69%) of the total enrolment)
Formal votes


Informal votes 6
Quota 865

First preference votes

Below are the first preference votes received by the candidates in the order they appeared on the ballot paper. Percentages have been rounded to two decimal places.

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
LOOKER, Tim493 28.41%
FLETCHER, Janet427 24.61%
KNOLDER, Ron438 25.24%
DE RITTER, Mark371 21.38%

Distribution of preferences

After the distribution of preferences Janet FLETCHER obtained quota and was elected.

To view the distribution of votes refer to the City of Holdfast Bay - Somerton Ward - 15 November 2021 (285 KB) .