Profiles for each of the two candidates are printed below in the same order as their names appear on the ballot paper. This information has been provided by the candidates and neither the Electoral Commissioner nor the South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board take responsibility or bear liability for the content contained within.

McLEAN, Bruce

To Whom it may concern, I am Bruce Mclean a 43 year old Grain and Seed Producer of the Bool Lagoon Glenroy area. Currently I am a land owner, lessor and sharefarmer to other local producers in the area who are part of the drainage and water catchment area of the lower South East, hence the great interest in being part of the Boards network. I hope to contribute that of fellow producers to the boards ongoing work and roles of such an important system in a unique part of the world.

MULLINS, John James

As a Board member of 16 years, I have gained many insights into the work, funding and management issues, organizational structures, assets and liabilities and where the Board sits in relation to the overall State government structure. I have gained an in-depth knowledge of the drainage system in relation to the mitigation of flooding of agricultural land, the value of keeping the soil profile damp and how effective water management can enhance many diverse environments. This knowledge has allowed me to effectively contribute to the development of the Drainage and Wetlands Strategy. My approach is to be a strong advocate to maintain our infrastructure, monitor what is happening in our system, so we can manage surface water to best advantage. My consultative approach as a landholder representative is evident through my willingness to seek out opinions from a variety of large and small landholders through my farming networks. When the Board has had to deal with potentially volatile issues affecting landholders, I have offered to be a part of dialogue which can inform, negotiate and reconcile emotions and points of disagreement in working to achieve productive outcomes with which all parties can accept. For Board meetings, I am well prepared, actively contribute to debate and follow-up on issues raised. I am willing to ask the challenging questions and to clarify issues for myself and for those I represent. I am an active contributor to many debates about resource management, Work Health Safety issues, developing policies, strategies and action plans.