Due to the resignation of members, supplementary elections are needed to fill vacant positions for Region 1 Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) and 4 Murraylands, Riverland and South East (Riverland & South East). 


What is the South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament Election, what are supplementary elections, and who can vote?

The South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament Election is the process for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders of South Australia to elect their representatives to the South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament. Through the Voice, First Nations people have their say at the highest levels of decision-making in South Australia, including to Parliament, on matters, policies and laws that affect them. The Voice is an advisory body and does not have veto powers or decision-making powers in South Australia’s Parliament. It allows the opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to raise community priorities in a public, transparent, and accountable way.

Only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders enrolled in South Australia can vote and nominate as a candidate in the election. Voting in the SA First Nations Voice to Parliament Election is not compulsory.

There are 6 regions across South Australia, with an elected body for each. All elected members are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and are elected by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live in their region.

Of the 6 regions:

  • Five have 7 elected members
  • One (the Central Local First Nations Voice region) has 11 elected members, as it has a higher population of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Due to the resignation of SA Voice members, supplementary elections are needed to fill vacant positions in Regions 1 Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) and Region 4 Murraylands, Riverland and South East (Riverland & South East).

Enrolment for the Region 1 (Central) and Region 4 (Riverland & South East) supplementary elections closed at 5pm, Tuesday 11 February 2025.

Regional maps are available, click here (link goes to the ECSA map website)

For Region 1 Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central), a supplementary election for a single vacancy will be held for candidates of any gender.

For Region 4 Murraylands, Riverland and South East (Riverland & South East), a supplementary election will be held for a single vacancy for male candidate only.

Polling day is Saturday 15 March 2025.



Inaugural 2024 SA First Nations Voice to Parliament Results

View the results for the Local First Nations Voice positions in the 2024 SA First Nations Voice Election:

The South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament Election was held on Saturday, 16 March 2024.