Due to the resignation of members, supplementary elections are needed to fill vacant positions for Region 1 Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central) and 4 Murraylands, Riverland and South East (Riverland & South East).

Today marked a milestone in the SA Voice Supplementary Elections

At declaration of nominations at 12 noon, Monday 24 February 2025, the following people have been accepted as candidates and are listed below in the region they are standing in, and in the order which they will appear on the ballot paper.

Region 1: Kumangka Warrarna Wangkanthi (Central)

  • COULTHARD, Dwayne
  • O’MEARA, Marnie
  • O’BRIEN, Trevor
Polling Day will be Saturday, 15 March 2025


Region 4: Murraylands, Riverland and South East

The number of accepted candidates was not more than the number of vacancies and the following person was declared elected.




Mick Sherry

24 February 2025

More details via savoiceelection.sa.gov.au