Media statement from the Electoral Commission of SA (ECSA)

Adelaide Plains - Result of second petition


Adelaide, South Australia

The Court of Disputed Returns has made orders finalising the second petition filed by the Electoral Commissioner seeking to correct the outcome of the 2022 election in the Adelaide Plains Council area.

The Commissioner filed two petitions after identifying an error in the settings of the computer software used to count votes in complex elections, which he considered affected the outcome of the election in the Adelaide Plains Council area and a recount conducted following the resignation of a former Adelaide Plains Councillor.

The petitions sought to correct the results of the election and the recount to ensure they reflected the will of the voters.

Since the Commissioner lodged the petitions more than 28 days after the conclusion of the election, he had to apply to extend time to allow the petitions to be heard. On 27 August 2024, the Court granted the Commissioner extensions of time to hear both petitions. In its judgment, the Court stressed that the error in the counting and declaration of votes was solely the responsibility of the Commissioner, and there was no reason to think the former councillors brought about their removal from office or did not fulfil their functions as councillors with enthusiasm and diligence.

As a result of the second petition, the Court has now declared Mr Carmine Di Troia not duly elected. The Court has ordered that a recount be conducted to fill the casual vacancy.

Work is underway to prepare for the recount which will be conducted in early January 2025.

The Commissioner welcomes the finalisation of both petitions and apologises for the impact of the error on each of the respondents and the Adelaide Plains Council.

Media enquiries

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Phone: 0401 149 166

First petition media release (linked)