The resignation of ward councillor Glen Rowlands caused a casual vacancy in the District Council of Yankalilla, Light ward.

Section 6A of the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 was applied to fill this vacancy.

The candidates who were not elected in the July 2024 supplementary election were asked to confirm their willingness and eligibility to be elected to this vacancy. As two candidates were determined willing and eligible to be elected to the vacancy, a recount of the votes cast at the supplementary election was conducted from 10am on Wednesday 16 October 2024 at 81-95 Waymouth Street, Adelaide.

First preference votes

First preference votes were distributed to the two eligible candidates, and ballot papers with no preference expressed for an eligible candidate were recorded as exhausted.

Below are the first preference votes received by the candidates in the order they appeared on the ballot paper. 

CandidateFirst preference votesElected or excluded
DENTON, Gavin434 
GROCKE, Shane517Elected 

Results declaration

Due to achieving the higher number of votes, Shane GROCKE was provisionally declared elected at 10.30am on Wednesday 16 October 2024.


To view the distribution of votes refer to the District Council of Yankalilla – Light ward councillor scrutiny sheet.

An exhausted vote is a type of preferential vote where all the ranked candidates have already been elected or eliminated. This means that the vote no longer counts towards any winning candidate. It is also known as an exhausted ballot.