A supplementary election will be necessary to fill the vacancy of Councillor for Eyre Ward


Count summary

Scrutiny and count was conducted on Tuesday 17 December 2024.

Enrolled voters 1,663
Envelopes returned 591
Envelopes accepted 585
Envelopes rejected 6
Voter participation 35.54% of the total enrolment
Formal votes 584
Informal votes 1
Quota 293

First preference votes

Below are the first preference votes received by the candidates in the order they appeared on the ballot paper.

Candidate  Campaign Donations Returns 1 Campaign Donations Returns 2 First preference votes Percent  Elected or Excluded
LUKACS, Angela CDR1  CDR2 183  31.3%   Excluded
GAMERTSFELDER, Jakob CDR1 CDR2 193  33.0%   
MYERS, Kevin Paul CDR1 CDR2 208  35.6%   Elected
Total     584    


Distribution of preferences - Final result

After the distribution of preferences, Kevin Paul Myers was declared elected at 10:32am on Tuesday 17 December 2024.

To view the distribution of votes refer to the scrutiny sheet.


List of candidates

In accordance with the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999, the draw to determine the order of candidate names to appear on the ballot paper was held on Thursday 31 October 2024. The result of the draw are detailed below.

LUKACS, Angela

I live with my husband and three boys; the youngest is just finishing high school. I am a primary school teacher of nearly 30 years, and a swimming teacher of more than 10 years. I started my first aid training business in 2015 which keeps me busy. I have a Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Arts and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. I have been the Regional Liaison Officer for Royal Life Saving SA since 2010, and run their local Holiday Swim programs, teaching all ages swimming and water safety skills. I volunteer with the local army cadet unit and at the local library. Through my business, I happily share my knowledge with various community groups. I have been Chairperson for the Riverland West Chamber of Commerce since 2022. I initiated the RWCC Career Expo and Business Awards in 2021. With a strong sense of community, I will ensure the whole region is treated equitably and people are encouraged to the district for business, employment, and lifestyle.

I live in Eyre Ward

Contact Details: riverlandtrainer @gmail.com

I am not a member of a Political Party


My work focuses on helping people stay in our area, to stay in their own homes. My volunteer work is the organisation of meal deliveries. My paid work is helping people deal with organisations that provide healthcare, home care and transport. In the twelve years I have lived in Morgan I have been very public about helping our area grow. I am always happy to write, talk or act on things which improve living in our area. I have a very simple focus; for every group I work with I want to achieve goals and be financially successful. Which is why I want to run for council. My emphasis on our future is creating more housing in our area. Our local council can do that, and by providing more housing options, help Australia, and help local ratepayers' finances. I love living in Morgan, they've been the best years of my life, I want other people to feel what I feel. Vote for me if you want that too. Jakob Gamertsfelder 0455 382 366 jakobgamertsfelder @gmail.com instagram.com @jakobgamertsfelder

I live in Eyre Ward

Contact Details: jakobgamertsfelder @gmail.com

I am not a member of a Political Party

MYERS, Kevin Paul

After serving 16 years as an elected member of Mid Murray Council’s Eyre Ward, I have had a 2-year break but am now ready to return and represent the rate payers if elected. I am currently still involved as Chair of the Heritage and Maritime Board, but feel I have a lot more to offer the residents of Eyre Ward and the wider Council area. I have a broad knowledge of how Council works in the areas of Planning, Infrastructure and Finance. My experience in chairing many of Councils section 41 committees has helped build my knowledge of all Mid Murray towns and the issues they face. More support is needed for our youth, elderly and disabled who reside in the rural areas of our Council. In the past I have been a Council representative on Truro, Blanchetown, Cadell and Morgan Community organizations and I believe the strength of a Council comes from the smaller regional towns. I will push for further support in the areas of flood clean up in river towns and more upgrades for our regional road.

I live in Eyre Ward

Contact Details: kpmyers8 @bigpond.com

I am not a member of a Political Party


Daily returns

Event Legislation* Date

Close of rolls

s 6(7)(a), s 15(9)(b)

5 pm, Monday 30 September 2024

Nominations open

s 19(4)

Thursday 17 October 2024

Nominations close

s 23(b)

12 noon, Thursday 31 October 2024

Draw for positions on the ballot paper

s 29(3)(b)

2.00pm Thursday 31 October 2024

First campaign donation return due

s 80(3)(a)(ii) Thursday 7 November 2024 to Thursday 14 November 2024

Mailout of materials

s 39(1)

Tuesday 19 November 2024 to Monday 25 November 2024

Last day for re-issue of voting materials

s 39(4), s 43(4)

5 pm, Monday 9 December 2024

Close of voting (polling day)

s 6(6), s 6(7)(b)

12 noon, Monday 16 December 2024

Scrutiny and count

s 47(1)(a)

Tuesday 17 December 2024

Second campaign donation return due s 80(3)(b)

Within 30 days of the 'conclusion of the election'

Local Government (Elections) Act 1999