The resignation of a serving area councillor resulted in an area councillor position being vacated.

In accordance with the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 (the Act), a supplementary election was held to fill this vacancy.

At the close of nominations at 12 noon on Thursday 8 June 2023, 3 nominations were received and accepted for this election.

Results for election of an area councillor

3 candidates contesting 1 vacancy.

  • Formal ballot papers: 523
  • Informal ballot papers: 2
  • Election quota: 262
CandidateFirst preference votesElected or ExcludedVotes at Election or Exclusion
WALLIS, Dave203 237
FLINT, Greg236Elected255
THORNTON, Paul84Excluded84

Distribution of preferences

Greg Flint After the distribution of preferences, Greg Flint obtained 255 votes and was declared elected under quota at 11:00 am on Tuesday 25 July 2023.


To view the distribution of votes refer to the Flinders Ranges Council - scrutiny sheet (PDF, 113KB)